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Organized battles?

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I've played the mod for more than 500hrs and SA for 200+ but never tried organizing a big fight between two groups. The thought never crossed me before that maybe it might be a fun learning experience for two groups to battle it out over a given objective.


So, if a clan or group is interested in a big fight (I would guess that our group could be anything between five and ten people) send me a message.


Also I would like to hear about your experiences with organized battles in DayZ. It doesn't seem to be a big thing but with the right organization and people it could be interesting I think.

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I've played the mod for more than 500hrs and SA for 200+ but never tried organizing a big fight between two groups. The thought never crossed me before that maybe it might be a fun learning experience for two groups to battle it out over a given objective.


So, if a clan or group is interested in a big fight (I would guess that our group could be anything between five and ten people) send me a message.


Also I would like to hear about your experiences with organized battles in DayZ. It doesn't seem to be a big thing but with the right organization and people it could be interesting I think.

I used to do this every day I played on the DayZero mod with my old clan [KOS].. its amazing to do. 


Hit Reddit early on, get people interested and informed of server and time. Then its on after that. Dont just invite one group, invite anyone. Much better that way as the action is typically non-stop. :) Let me know, and Ill come solo if I have to

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I can come, pew some ppl. Call me in steam if you need medic/another gun.

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Aha, I hadn't thought about making it a "public" thing but that sounds fun too! With a group v group battle I was thinking it might be easier to organize, not only before but also after the battle. For example a break to regroup, fix injuries etc. Kinda like the christmas ceasefire in the ww1-trenches.

An idea we've had is to let one of our guys be a hostage and hopefully get him back alive.

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I've played the mod for more than 500hrs and SA for 200+ but never tried organizing a big fight between two groups. The thought never crossed me before that maybe it might be a fun learning experience for two groups to battle it out over a given objective.


So, if a clan or group is interested in a big fight (I would guess that our group could be anything between five and ten people) send me a message.


Also I would like to hear about your experiences with organized battles in DayZ. It doesn't seem to be a big thing but with the right organization and people it could be interesting I think.



If you live in America, we could probably work something out... How many guys you thinking? 


(Optimally, I'd be happy with 3-5)

Edited by Etherimp

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Why not play Arma III, far better combat experience in every way especially with the inclusion of Zeus.

Edited by weedmasta
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Why not play Arma III, far better combat experience in every way especially with the inclusion of Zeus.

DayZ adds the unique aspect of having to manage beign rushed by zombies and only havving what youve managed to scavenge along the way all the while being engages in this shoot out. Thats what dayZ is for me. I really loved the early days of the mod. the more complex they tried to make it the less free and fun it felt imho.

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First of all: good fights are between organized squads, not groups of randoms.


Now the story itself:

DayZ mod (obviously)

Time and place: evening hours (both irl and in-game), Stary Sobor

5 vs 5


3 of my squadmates driving in UAZ around Novy Sobor get the attention of a heli. They keep driving towards Stary while being shot at. Thay crash in Stary, breaking one of the wheels and run into the market.


Heli flies around trying to take a shot at them. They return fire, but shots are innacurate (no sniper rifles or lmgs) and attract a ton of zombies.

Meanwhile I arrvie from SE with M24 and L85 AWS in my backpack. Heli flies away for a while - they dropped 2 people north of Stary - but my teammates don't have a spare wheel and can't escape in time.


I'm not shooting at the heli,  waiting instead for the arrival of another teammate geared with M107. Instead I'm on the lookout checking the Stary Hill. I notice a sniper on the hill but just when I was adjusting my aim it started to rain, lewering my view distance so I can't see him anymore. Warned my teammates, and started flanking - making a run towards Novy.


Shortly after 2 things happen: our .50 cal sniper arrives from S, and one of our guys in Stary tries to run towards Stary Hill but gets sniped.

At this point I'm next to the road between Sobors. Heli hovers for a while above my head but it's enough for my friend to take a couple of shots with M107.

Dead body falls out of the heli and the heli itself starts falling to the ground - pilot got sniped. Damn! 

2 remaining guys jump out on parachutes. Strangely enough heli buggs and instead of crashing is just put safely on the ground - less than 100m from me.


Teammates from Stary start rushing towards heli, our sniper has no los on it. So it's just me. Unfortunatelly I can barely see anything, it got dark, I have no NVGs, and just L85 scope for scanning the surroundings. Fully expecting that my enemies are geared with night vision I take cover behind a tree and watch the heli.

First of the parachuters makes a run for it  but I stop him with L85. The second one is nowhere to be found. I check the further spots and notice a player running towards Stary Hill. I check with my teammates to make sure it's not one of them. My hesitation was enough to let that guy escape so I start the  persuit. It's pitch black and I stop every 20m to scan the surroundings with thermal scope.


Shortly after that I hear a loud shot ahead of me. I keep sprinting and finally notice with my scope a guy in the distance crouching over a dead body. Couple shots later he's dead and we can proceed to retrive the heli that is in surprisingly good state, loot the bodies (turns out none of them had NVGs, only 2 thermal scoped rifles).


Later, after talking with opposing team I found out that their  2 last survivors panicked when they run itno each other in complete darkness and after a single unlucky shot one of them got killed by a teammate.

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If you live in America, we could probably work something out... How many guys you thinking? 


(Optimally, I'd be happy with 3-5)

We all live in Sweden and Norway but say for example we would play between 22:00 - 01:00 our time, that would be something like 5pm - 8pm eastern time, maybe that could work? Would be nice to fight americans =D


Why not play Arma III, far better combat experience in every way especially with the inclusion of Zeus.

Unfortunatly, I am the only one who has Arma III. Also, it wouldn't serve as the full DayZ training experience we are looking for.

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We all live in Sweden and Norway but say for example we would play between 22:00 - 01:00 our time, that would be something like 5pm - 8pm eastern time, maybe that could work? Would be nice to fight americans =D


Unfortunatly, I am the only one who has Arma III. Also, it wouldn't serve as the full DayZ training experience we are looking for.


How do you ping to East Coast US servers?

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How do you ping to East Coast US servers?

I seem to ping somewhere around 150 there so that shouldn't be a problem, I used to play Half-life with 400+ haha

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I seem to ping somewhere around 150 there so that shouldn't be a problem, I used to play Half-life with 400+ haha



Add me on steam: "etherimp" 

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DayZ adds the unique aspect of having to manage beign rushed by zombies and only havving what youve managed to scavenge along the way all the while being engages in this shoot out. Thats what dayZ is for me. I really loved the early days of the mod. the more complex they tried to make it the less free and fun it felt imho.


Well you can give each group any weapon or lack thereof, make objectives to get better weapons and even add in AI that shoot at you for added suspense. I know the beauty of Dayz is the fun, free feel indeed but once you force engagements by planning them ahead, it takes away the fun and freedom. Hence why I am saying, if you want a good combat experience, a prearranged match as you say, you'd have much more fun with Arma III. 

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