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ForsakenSpirit (DayZ)

Encountering A Live Streamer

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So one of our members ran into Elektro for God knows why and starts getting attacked. After saving him, encountering more people and other things in the video, I discovered that the girl who was at the barn was a live streamer. After the fight, I logged off and went to edit videos while watching twitch and saw she was in the same area we were with someone singing its a party its a party which we heard too. Enjoy! P.S She banned all of us from her twitch for telling her we fought her lol!

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Can you shoot your friend that ran into elektro? Or did you teach him wrong as a joke?

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streamers should all go to hell... :rolleyes:

I like streamers, but we did not like her. After we found out we were in her stream. We went to talk to her on Twitch and she banned all of us for calling her Jenny in the chat xD

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