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Zombies can hit while sprinting?

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If i am sprinting away from a zombie they have started super lunging and hitting me which is completely stupid... I cant out run them, cant lose them in buildings, and cant just bandage the bleeding while they continue to chase me.

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Yep. Thats the zeds after a few updates. You either can try to get to higher ground or kill them to bandage yourself. And yes they have lung attacks and sprint faster than the player character.

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You can run zigzag so they will miss their jump-attack. Easiest way to kill them is to runn down a hill because when they do their jump they fall to death.

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Just another one of the many reasons why i have stopped playing the game altogether!

If you don't the game then why are you here? Is there something about these forums that just draw hateful people? Im beginning to think so.

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ı have also been in such situations, i could not escape, kill, get healed, so i have waited to die. Natural selection ruled a couple of times :)

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Just another one of the many reasons why i have stopped playing the game altogether! 


Awww.. I feel for you... Show me on the doll where the big bad zombie touched you...

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The zeds are completely retarded now.


They add absolutely nothing to the game.


Hope someone copies dayz and makes a survival simulator with mil sim aspects but no zombies.


Focus on survival would be awesome.

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Zeds can hit you even when you are climbing up on stairs! (:

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As I've just found out not only can they hit while running but I got hit from good 5 m away lol  :lol:


On the other hand I like how hard are they to kill and as a matter of fact I'd welcome if they took more  ( 3 or 5 ) .45 ACP rounds to the torso ( one or two to the head ) but I dislike the hatchet nerf. Not only is it next to literally impossible to hit them in the head with said hatched due to the clumsy melee but I'd imagine a hatchet should be able to easily separate / split body parts. Overall, I don't like jumping zombies, if not for the difficulty then for the immersion 

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turn your jog-mode on.


use the side-step keys.


dont try to escape them, or to fight them: just dodge the lunges, run circles around them.


after a while, you'll realise that you don't really even need the jog-mode on. You just avoid them.


after that, you'll be able to pretty much ignore them from now on.


you can carry on looting with a group of 5 or 6 flailing uselessly about you.


they can be a pain in the arse if you're in a gunfight, but a bit of random-direction sprinting usually gets rid of them, I find.


the zombies are a fucking joke, an insult to the rest of the game. But they will get better - they must get better

Edited by Pillock

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LOL God forbid a game that is supposed to be hard is actually hard


Awww.. I feel for you... Show me on the doll where the big bad zombie touched you...


Wow i see so many fanboys, i dont play the game not because its hard and it certainly isnt, but because it is broken.


You tell me its OK that the zombies can walk through walls still, hit you from 20 yards away with a magical hit, or that favourite of mine defo the invisible zombie.

For a game that's supposed to be realistic it is kinda embarrasing that its core aspect the fucking zombies dont work. But its OK its alpha!!!  Massive desync, unresponsive hotkeys, invisible loot, the list goes on.


I play Arma3 btw until they fix this game. but i aint holding my breath, read the forums, most people are losing faith in the DayZ development, its time to wake up!!!

Edited by JamesLennoxHood

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People keep bitching and complaining that it's a "broken game"



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The zeds are completely retarded now.


They add absolutely nothing to the game.


Hope someone copies dayz and makes a survival simulator with mil sim aspects but no zombies.


Focus on survival would be awesome.

Ffs dude.  Go play Arma 3 wasteland.  That's all you are vying for.  DayZ's core design is about a goddamn outbreak and now infected people are roaming the land and people are trying to survive.




On topic:  The infected are awesome.  They are finally a threat and I welcome the challenge of even stronger infected.

Edited by Caboose187

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I generally find that people who get fed up with the game not being complete turn completely against it.  It very quickly turns into "this game is fucking stupid and anyone who supports it and believes the devs are morons and fanboys."  It's not even voicing an opinion, it's just spewing vitriol.  Congratulations, you ignored all warnings and purchased the game anyways!  A game that should not be realistically released for another two years.  If you're that unhappy with it then just leave and stop being a detriment to the community.


On topic, I enjoy the new difficulty level of the zombies.  The melee combat is pretty clunky, but it's manageable.  There definitely are phantom hits and Dalsim zombies, though.  My favorite was coming across a zombie standing still and throwing melee attacks at nothing.  I got closer in behind it to look and I got hit.  AOE zombie attacks, wheee!

Edited by Knifeguy
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I generally find that people who get fed up with the game not being complete turn completely against it.  It very quickly turns into "this game is fucking stupid and anyone who supports it and believes the devs are morons and fanboys."  It's not even voicing an opinion, it's just spewing vitriol.  Congratulations, you ignored all warnings and purchased the game anyways!  A game that should not be realistically released for another two years.  If you're that unhappy with it then just leave and stop being a detriment to the community.

So much this.  Nice one.

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Zombies SHOULD be able to catch up to players and hit them... Especially when we are all cross country sprinters.  What's the point if all you have to do is run? 

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