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looking to make a group

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hello to who ever is reading this i am looking for people to join me on the server im playing on is is the dayz mod epoch not standalone. i am a bandit but i am tired of rolling in alone most of the time so who ever wishes to join and raise hell feel free to do so. i am looking for a team of mature players 16+ that will work together instead of just running head first in. to meet requirements you need to be able to give grid coords and compass baring's also you have to have ts3

Edited by craftykalon

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 the server im playing on is is the dayz mod epoch not standalone.


Please don't post it in the standalone area, then.


Edited by Max Planck

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Check us out at www.dgrclan.com. We have 3 epoch servers that are heavily modded. The Napf server has a few bandits on it and may be looking for some help or action. Loot is very easy to get and you can become well established in no time at all.

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Our clan leans heavily heroic and we take newbie players as well as veterens. Consider joining the 81st. :) You can find us on the forums right here. 

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