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POLL:What kind of person do you think YOU would become in a zombie apocalypse?

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2.5 It's hard to survive in the woods, sometimes you gotta scavenge.

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I'm already a non-hostile sociopath, so I'd likely go with that. Once I start shooting zombies, I doubt I'll be able to discriminate.

99% of you(us) would become zombies sorry to say.

locked in your mother's basement seems like a great survival technique to me.

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As a psychologist i can see your good intentions with this survey, asking people to answer truthfully.

But people are not answering that, people are answering a completely different question: What would you like to be?

In that case i can tell you that i'd lhope to be 2) the Woodsman

In regards of your original question i can only say that i don't know.

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Frankly, nobody really knows, but I think I would really try hard to find a friend or a family member, and defend ourselves until we get into the forests and shit. I dont think I would react very nicely to zombies roaming around, when you really think about it, it would be such an horrible view / feel, but I would hope to find someone because being alone in a zombie apocalypse, man, fuck hang yourself whats the point.

I would also be very scared of getting beat to death / eaten alive, so if I felt myself trapped or something I would probably commit suicide I guess, rofl this thread got me depressed just trying to imagine such an horrible situation

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Scavenger, in reality 99% of survivors will seek the security of a group of fellow survivors.

In reality there won't be any lolsofunsnipers but real bands of bandits stealing and killing for supplies (and only when really needed).

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i would become a super ninja (maybe the best ninja in the world) and kick some zed ass

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Seven. Just like I play the game. If someone is armed and looks in my direction they will die before I do. Small group of survivors protecting each other from armed strangers is not banditry, its protecting the group, its surviving.

Now if the game was so in depth that when a "carebear" sees me in camo and drawing a bead on them with my M4 and drops his weapon and lays down until I am out of the area, then they would live, but alas things like seeing fear and reading body language to assess threat level is beyond the scope of gaming technology, but funny thing corpses never get the chance to do something stupid.

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I live right next to a marina, which would be godly in the event of the zombicalypse. I'd steal a boat and some fishing gear with no regrets, but after that I'd likely be a #2 once I find a suitable island.

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Too long' date=' didn't read.

99% of this forum would be dead.


Well no, they'd be zeds lol.

In all likelihood, over 50% of those who were left would likely kill themselves in the first month anyway even if they survived that long. This would undoubtedly include you I'm afraid.

If I could stand living in this sort of world for any length of time, I'd probably be similar to a "3", as there simply wouldn't be any chance of meeting up with family or friends ever again. Unless you live close and in the countryside, forget it. Cities and towns would mean death for everyone initially.

I'd soon sort out what I needed to do to survive and try to find others of a like minded disposition - watching them first to see what sort of person they likely were. We'd then form an embryonic society. Once this had grown enough and was reasonably secure and stable, patrols would be sent out to deal with the zeds wholesale and look into how this whole thing started...

We'd also round up all those who answered 5,6,7,8 or 9 and make them pay for their crimes.

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2. i have a pretty good sized national park about an hour or so away with a pretty low population density. winters might be a problem though.

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I'd probably start as 4 and when I started getting low on places to loot, had to many close calls, or i was just done with the risks I was taking I'd resort to 5. Eventually I'd get to paranoid to let the people I robbed live and become a seven. There is no way I'd group with someone I'd be far to paranoid to stick with even one guy.

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I would fight for survival of friends and family. I would forgo all morals so that my friends and family wouldn't have to. This means I would KILL if i had to.

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