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Need a tutorial on how to start building in Epoch

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I've found one or two youtube videos where someone builds a base but there's an awful lot to take in/understand, so I wondered if there was a simple step by step on how to do that?


Only want to try something small that I can keep a couple of things in.


Would even be satisfied figuring out how to secure a building for myself - any tips on that? Can I take a barn for example and board it up? or stick a shed somewhere?



Edited by zombieland78

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The stuff is built via right click on the raw materials ( in most cases wood when starting from scratch or in between materials when you have multiple stages ). You also need tools for most operatiosn and it almostalways has to be done next to a workbench. You have to literally chop trees to gather wood piles then you can create lumber or plywood out of those then you have raw materials to create walls etc...






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Yeah, I did think of using the wiki but the wiki is a little vague and doesn't explain exactly how each procedure goes/what to click etc.

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Yeah it's kind of lacking explanation but if you right click items in game and try to create them it always tells you what you are missing.

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