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im a noob sniper...

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hi guys


yesterday my friend and me found a pristine LRS !

we decided that i should cover him from long distance while he was looting balota.


i climbed to the top of one of the very high appartment buildings and layed down on the top.


the first time he ran into the cell-building near the hangars.

shortly after that, someone got on the top of the Tower, and was camping/sniping towards the door, so i decided to try to kill that guy.

it was a distance from about 650 metres (dayzdb.com), so i zeroed the mosin and shot.

first shot seemed to kill him, but a few moments later he was back up... my buddy still in the building (btw, what the hell was he doing so long ???).

i thought the guy would now run away, but he stayed on the roof of the tower (wtf dude ?).

so i shot again.

and again.

he seemed to have now heard the shots. he was fleeing i tried to kill him with my last two shots, while he was on the ladder, but they missed...


at least he was gone and my buddy could come out safely :D


on a different Server, it was pretty much the same:

my buddy was in the barracks, i tried to cover the entrance, a guy approached slowly, i tried to kill him, missed every shot and had to reload, the guy entered the barracks and killed my friend...



what went wrong ? was it the lack of a bipod ? i had a compensator pristine, mosin pristine and LRS pristine.

every time i shot i had the crosshair on them, holded my breath, and had no desync and good ping.



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It was because in the heat of the moment you never zeroed your shots back down to the correct meter. I know that was my biggest problem when i first started sniping. Dayzdb is helpful but it is far better to learn distances on your own even if you do let a few people esscape you will be a much better shot in the long run. Also if you were aiming on the person like you say you were i doubt it would be the lack of a bipod, one of our team never takes a bipod and he seems to do fine.

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Shooting from the building you were to Balota is not a novice shot. I usually zeroing without the map. I prefer some trial shots on an empty server to some zombies so that i can learn the distance "on the field".

My guess is that in both cases you used the wrong distance and so you missed all the shoots. When you shoot take your time. You're far away and if the guy you're shooting at doesn't have  a Mosin with an LRS you will be ok anyway.

Also after the first shoot try to see where it lands (if you miss the target) so that you can decide if you want to modify the zeroing or just adjust aim up or down.

Finally in the second case it's not easy hit a moving target from that distance because he is moving horizontally respect to your position and you've to compensate also his movement when you shoot. So it's better to wait until he stops (for example to check around him or to open the door of the building). That's when you want to shoot.

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if your 30 metres from your Zero away u gotta aim about half a meter lower/upper !


means if dude is 670metres away you Zero at 700 u gotta aim for the Torso to hit the head!!!!!!

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Currently you don't see the impacts anymore since the update...


I see them on stable.


Learn to judge distance without using a map.  I usually get myself a ton of ammo, and go shoot zombies from far.

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if your 30 metres from your Zero away u gotta aim about half a meter lower/upper !


means if dude is 670metres away you Zero at 700 u gotta aim for the Torso to hit the head!!!!!!


that's not exactly how you do it. Bullet drop is way more complicated than that.


The best thing to do when sniping is aiming at the center of mass, so if you're wrong in the zeroing, you'll headshot your target, or will at least cripple it.

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Nothing wrong with using distances from a good map either, especially when you're stationary and camping. That's how the pros do it. That said, they also learn to gauge distances for themselves for those times when they can't refer back to a map. I'm sure many times they drew the map themselves based on their estimations. 


Have to also remember the Mosin isn't all that accurate anyways when it comes to those distances. Not sure how accurate the devs mapped its actual performance, but those long D shorts are hard, even with pristine gear. I know the mosin was used as a sniper in WW2, and less so in Vietnam, but it's a cheaply made, mass-produced rifle. When they start inserting real snipers into the game (M40 maybe?), it'll make those shots easier, IF the devs are going for realism. 

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Shooting from the building you were to Balota is not a novice shot. I usually zeroing without the map. I prefer some trial shots on an empty server to some zombies so that i can learn the distance "on the field".

My guess is that in both cases you used the wrong distance and so you missed all the shoots. When you shoot take your time. You're far away and if the guy you're shooting at doesn't have a Mosin with an LRS you will be ok anyway.

Also after the first shoot try to see where it lands (if you miss the target) so that you can decide if you want to modify the zeroing or just adjust aim up or down.

Finally in the second case it's not easy hit a moving target from that distance because he is moving horizontally respect to your position and you've to compensate also his movement when you shoot. So it's better to wait until he stops (for example to check around him or to open the door of the building). That's when you want to shoot.

Nice tip on moving targets. I very rarely hit them on the run even though it's quite comical watching them flee as I'm trying to take them out....lol.

Next time I'll just wait for them to stop moving. :)

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Currently you don't see the impacts anymore since the update...

Has anyone determined if the devs are even aware of this game breaking problem since update?  Im fucking pissed off about this.  Why does every update come with game breaking problems?  Why not test the patch for a few hours before approving releases?

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Sniping is pretty hard to get into. Especially since bullet effects don't seem to work in this version.


Yesterday i completely overestimated my distance to a target and missed myriads and myriads of shots.

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We are all noob snipers unless one of us actually was trained as one.

to train - go on emprty server on spawn location, call as much friends as you can, get mosin and long scope, and kill them, then you change your role.

BTW no time and no friends to do so

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Wait till they add wind and proper realistic bullet elevation adjustment.


The amount of rage will be glorious.

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In that case I will give up sniping, and hone my skills in spraying and praying.

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