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No crosshair and can't aim with iron sights anymore

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I usually play on regular servers with 3DP:on and CH:on, but when I woke up this morning I was unable to play the way I usually do.

I've tried a lot of servers, and it's the same on all of them. No crosshair, and sometimes I can't even use 3rd person, even though the servername sais 3DP:on.

I usually play in 3rd person, and when I need to shoot I do it in 3rd, I then switch to first person with by pressing on the second mouse button and then pressing on it again to aim with the iron sights. I then use NUM Enter to get back to third again.... I suddenly can't do that anymore, no matter what server I play on.

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If you can't shoulder your weapon then it sounds like you have either a keybind issue or your mouse/keyboard are screwy, there's no server setting that stops you being able to aim. Have you tried switching your peripherals into different USB ports?

edit: try a training mission or something and see if it works in there.

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Some servers do not allow 3rd person and if it is a vet server there is no cross hair. YOu have to use the iron sights on thw weopon to aim. If it is not that maybe it is your keyboard, or the key binding is changed.

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Crosshairs deprive the game of what it should be in my opinion.

Third Person can pass.

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Crosshairs are kind of a gray area. On the one hand, they are unrealistic. The problem with realism and a video game is that since your are not PHYSICALLY there, it is very, VERY hard to find your true center.

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no is is not, right click does it for you. you always avoid to fire without sighting in. It ain't CS you can usually afford the time to do so.

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  'kreaol said:

Crosshairs are kind of a gray area. On the one hand' date=' they are unrealistic.


IMO the Green floating Xhairs in-game represent where a Real person would expect their bullet to fly if not looking directly down the iron sights. Even shoulder mounted i have shot a rifle without lining up irons and hit relative to where i thought i would. The sights in-game are not as accurate as iron or scopes just like RL.

More on topic with the OP, seems like a settings or key bind issue... i have been on plenty of servers with xhairs, 3rd person on.

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maybe u had a gadget in focus? (grenade, flare etc) or lowered your weapon?

if thats the case

1. cycle through your inventory using the f key, to focus on a weapon

2. click ONE time leftmousebutton to ready your weapon

3. CLICK (not hold) the rightmousebutton to aim down the sights

if that doesnt work check your bindings, else reinstall the mod, else reinstall the beta patch, else reinstall the game, else you're screwed :)

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  'RedNoak said:

maybe u had a gadget in focus? (grenade' date=' flare etc) or lowered your weapon?

if thats the case

1. cycle through your inventory using the f key, to focus on a weapon

2. click ONE time leftmousebutton to ready your weapon

3. CLICK (not hold) the rightmousebutton to aim down the sights

if that doesnt work check your bindings, else reinstall the mod, else reinstall the beta patch, else reinstall the game, else you're screwed :)


OH MY GOD, THANK YOU!! That was my problem :D I can't believe it was that simple.

I also can't believe the mix of people in this thread. Incredible helpfull souls and then a couple of self entitled pricks. If I want your opinions on crosshairs, I'll give them to you.

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no crosshairs and yes 3DP

I don't like playing in First person view because of the limitation.

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I hair aiming down the sights, its TOO accurate.

Almost never miss a shot from the hip, im like a cowboy with the way i use my revolver.

Just place my target in the middle of my screen and KA-POW! Insta kill.

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