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How to run automatically

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Reminds me of playing Star Wars Galaxies years ago.

Some kid didnt know about the autorun key and would say shit like:

"Im gonna go get a samich but dont worry I got a dime in it"

Took me forever to figure out what the hell he was talking about.

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Am I the only guy using ESDF? :-/

You're not alone bro! I moved over to ESDF back in the Counter-Strike beta days. Need those extra keys to the left. :D

I use the Steam overlay to auto-run' date=' and last night I started using a round ring-clip to my e-cigarette with my wallet on top for weight.


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I have a g15 Keyboard. This script should work with any logitech gaming device though that supports scripts.

function OnEvent(event, arg)
--OutputLogMessage("event = %s, arg = %s\n", event, arg);

function OnEvent(event, arg)
if (event=="G_PRESSED" and arg==7) then
if (toggle==null) then
elseif (toggle==1) then
ClearLCD ();

It uses G key 7 to toggle holding "W".

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play over steam ! press W and shift-tag steam ui.

shift-tab back and there u go

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Haha im too aware of whats happening around me to just leave myself to auto run but these are funny :P

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All I have to do is set a macro. Glorious Razer Lycosa.

Why use a macro when you can use this?


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If you want this as a [KEY OPTION] in the future for A3-DayZ, please vote this up (green arrow when you login to dev-heaven).

More votes = More likely BIS will add the feature.

[suggestion] - Control - Toggle Forward [Key]



Also, if you would be so kind as to vote for this, since most games give you the option to walk or run by default...

[suggestion] - Control - Always Walk [Option]



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To each his own I guess...


oh mi god why do you have to do that when you have gaming keyboard, with PROGRAMMABLE BUTTONS and you aint even using that LCD to display something useful. hardly a smart way to use your $77 or $250 or whatever, just set a sprinting macro and toggle repeat it forever.

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You are crazy... I just stick a penny between my "w" key and 2 and 3 number keys.

Instructions below:


Thats an epic keyboard man!1one

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