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Smokey420 (DayZ)

So why was the axe nerfed?

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If they are 'infected' and not zombies, then why do the devs call them zombies in the patch notes? Pretty sure they are zombies... Also the 'Z' in dayz is a rather obvious hint don't you think?

Many zombie movies use a virus as an explanation, they're not dead: They have some kind of rabies like illness that has driven them to hyper agression and cannibalism, it's not uncommon to call those zombies.


That's also the official line for "Zeds" in dayZ, there is no reason why they would be more physically resilient than a healthy player, lacking pain reflex sure... that's fair enough, but a single axe to the head should kill them dead, as should a couple of swings to the body.

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Rant thread based on the inability to read the change log has now been closed, have a nice day.

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