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Need option to set max range for player names visible

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Currently having player names visible is OP because it works through terrain/bushes/buildings. This makez it too easy to scan the area around you for hidden players, removing the tense worry that is such a core part of the game.

But... When you are trying to interact with a player in a group of more than 2 it is VERY difficult to tell players apart without resorting to the "friendly wiggle dance" to identify yourself.

If server admins were able to set the max range that names are displayed to something low, like 10 or 20m max, that would solve both problems. Also, could be fixed if it didn't work through objects. Either/both solutuon would be much appreciated.


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Hell yes we need this as I am very sure most of us have thought about it.

Sometimes you really need to see your crew members names at night when its dark and you are more paranoid than daytime even with help nearby, to identify with ease and precision who your freinds are. Especially considering also I have noticed sometimes my gang members player model sometimes decides to change clothes to a different colour randomly.. However this may only be when lag is severe but none the less a hasty bullet from an idiot freind not paying close enough attention kinda blows chuncks if he/she is unaware of this mysterious clothes changing :D


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