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Zombies vs Stealth

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Anyone else having problems sneaking around zombies? Had no problems prior to the newest patches, but now I get aggro from Zeds through walls while theyre 50+ meters away. Whilst I have 1 Visibility/Audibility on the indicator.

Most efficient thing I've decided to use now is just to run, and keep running through buildings. As sneaking just seem not so viable atm.

No hate, love the game, and might just have missed out on announcement that zed behaviour is currently broken or something. Just want to get it confirmed, or if I'm doing something terribly wrong. ( Totally Possible. )

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Probably just a bug or lag. Had a few like this before, seemingly random Zed agro, a few times while immobile for about 3-4min with zero Audio/Visible rating around 100m away.

The real odd one was a time I was looking down on Cherno from the north ridgeline one day and saw a Zed at max range, little blip near a building. Pull out my bino's and zoom in on him, he stops, looks straight at me, and makes a mad dash in my general direction. I figured someone in town got too close or fired a round... so I sat and watched. The Zed ran... and ran... out of town and up the hill right up to my face. Shot him and ran like hell away but made for a great laugh later.

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It's annoying when i am inside a building with a closed door and still get spotted by a zombie which then warps through the wall behind me and attacks me.

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It's annoying when i am inside a building with a closed door and still get spotted by a zombie which then warps through the wall behind me and attacks me.

Not spotted, heard. Next patch reduces zombie hearing through obstructions by 50% you should notice an improvement.

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Stealth will now get you killed, charging through town like a madman is now how to play.

Zombies SEE through walls, it's not just a hearing thing.

Standing still crouched inside ANY buidling with no hands on the keyboard and mouse still gets zombies going on freakouts

Zombies even walk completely through some walls.

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Yeah, I logged back in, logged out inside the Fire Station "outside" Elektro. And Zeds started swarming me without me taking a step or anything of the like. Kind of... well, harsh.

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The problem is stealth is pointless now as you can randomly agro zombies at any time now. Now it's better to just mad dash to where you want to be and get into the building and hatchet any zombies that come in.

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Ok just had an experience where I was crawling in kozlovka and there were no zombies that I could hear near me. Pitch black and my torch was broken. Then I hear a z agro from miles away I turned in the direction I heard the z and just to catch him sprint out of the darkness and 2 seconds later I was knocked out. Bit ridiculous.

1. No way i could see him.

2. I'm crawling on grass 1 Audio no visual.

3. He must have been a 3 seconds + sprint time away from me.

This felt like a glitch/bug

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I get a lot of random zombie aggros where I can be perfectly still and prone and not bleeding or breathing loudly and a 50m away zombie comes running at me. Sometimes the game just bugs out.

However, one thing that some people should take note is that zombies have a LOT of aggro towards breathing. If you're running into town and then begin to stealth your way in, ensure that you first stop and catch your breath so you're not breathing loudly anymore.

Additionally, I run a three person group now. We have one axeman for stealthy kills if we get zombie aggro, a gunner guard that escorts the axeman, and a sniper who stands on a hill and overlooks the area looking for any trouble that the 2 in the dangerzone might run into. Immediate threats are put down. Potential threats get 1 audio and written warning, and non-threats we let go.

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For me it is constantly "bugging-out" in that case. Cause there is just no way to sneak past zombies. I've just started running. Hopefully it will be fixed in the next few updates :) I believe in Rocket!

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I like it that you actually cant be right up close to the zombies, i mean they arent blind...

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What are you talking about LumberBack? We are talking about lying down in Prone over 50 meters away inside a building. And you aggro 2-3 or even more Zeds by just doing that. It's nothing about Zed Detection, its just flat out bugged.

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They aggro at a lot more then 50 metres. I've had them go nuts while laying prone in the trees from 200+ metres away.

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Anyone else having problems sneaking around zombies? Had no problems prior to the newest patches' date=' but now I get aggro from Zeds through walls while theyre 50+ meters away. Whilst I have 1 Visibility/Audibility on the indicator.

Most efficient thing I've decided to use now is just to run, and keep running through buildings. As sneaking just seem not so viable atm.

No hate, love the game, and might just have missed out on announcement that zed behaviour is currently broken or something. Just want to get it confirmed, or if I'm doing something terribly wrong. ( Totally Possible. )


there are too many patch versions currently in the server list, if you make a thread like this you should note what version.

in the latest it is far too easy *for my tastes

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Zombies seem a bit skitzo with their aggro, but I really believe what the above people said about heavy breathing holds quite a bit of truth. I've been crawling around Cherno all morning and zeds ten feet away haven't so much as sniffed me, but as I was running back out of town past a homestead, and dropping to the ground when a zombie suddenly appeared out of the bush, he heard me at easily three times the usual safe distance for crawling.

So I guess the moral is that crawling is awesome?

Also, I'd really love it if the steps at the entrances to houses that force you to stand when you crawl over them could be fixed. They're kind of really dangerous and annoying for no good reason.

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They aggro at a lot more then 50 metres. I've had them go nuts while laying prone in the trees from 200+ metres away.


Hyperbole everywhere.

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Sorry Blippy but the reports of this behavior have been flooding in since or whatever version introduced the LOS system.

other things that occur.

- Zombies can see through buildings

- Entering a building can trigger zombies from all around to just snap and pursue you into the building.

- Ever since, zombies can walk through some walls.

- Attacks through walls can still occur

- Zombies can walk through stairs and attack you from below if you are standing on them.

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