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Fail Ban!

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Dear Dev Team,


First of all I have to tell you, I really love your Game! I've played about 400 hours for now and could play another 400 for sure. And this game isn't even finished in production! Thats awesome.

If there wouldn't be something stopping me from doing this: If I wan't to join a Server i get the error-message: BattleEye: Global Ban #d59463.

I can ensure you I've never hacked in any game in all my live! (to be honest: sure i did cheat in offline games like age of empires etc...)
Seems like BattleEye isn't working properly, or there is any oter issue.


Maybe this can help:

I remember one situation happened to me while first time playing the game: I got disconnected from the server i was playing on, and as i rejoined my character was gone. As i searched through the Dayz-Forums I found a guide how to get a deleted character back and so tried to do something in the DayZ data folders. Unfortunately it didn't work. I have no idea abouts PCs so i absolutely can't tell you what i did. But whatever i did, i get some random errormessages since then while playing.


Second situation: I was caught in a room because of a glitch I couldn't go out and couldn't kill myself either. Because i was hydrated and energized I really didn't want to wait for starvation. So i searched the forums again. Again a guide how to get out of rooms by doing something in the data. This didn't work either.


So please Dev Team, I didn't mean to hack anything. I'm just a PC-noob who got banned by a bug or any other issue. It would be such a bad, if I have to stop playing DayZ, for doing nothing bad, before DayZ even finished.


So please help me out guys.




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Global Bans aren't being dealt with by us. You need contact BattlEye for support, information is in my Signature.

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