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Mr Muggles

The Guys You Should Kill on Sight Charts

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Brand new entry and straight in at number 1


Was in the church in cherno guy comes in with green army clothing starts looting, I try communicating get nothing, try again...use cpas lock and mic, direct chat etc

So i'm watching this kunt with my shotgun pointed away and i'm thinking he doesn't know i'm here. so I type "sondre"

He gets up and shoots me.

So this is my dedication to you sondre you filthy piece of shit. I could have shot you any time I liked!!!!!!!

Sondre, the twat is the newest entry to the charts :D

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I think there's a thread for this in the Survivor Forum.

I have been shot in the face by a "Sondre" myself... so there might be something to it.

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If you're going to communicate with anything other than the sound of your shotgun blast, you should do it from cover. You shouldn't assume everyone else is friendly, just because you are. :D

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If the Survivor HQ thread on this is bigger, could someone link to it?

I came across a guy named F3AR who was better equipped than I so I wanted to befriend him, he communicated through Direct chat, and seemed friendly, and I offered him some medical supplies since I recently visited the hospital and had about 6 bandages, 4 epi-pen and 3 painkillers. And then... BOOM, he blows my head off.

Seems like the kind of guy who would act friendly, but betray you in a heartbeat. It was my fault for being so trusting, but, he played along for a couple of minutes.

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You should have just shot him, instead you gave him the oppertunity to shoot you first.

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Kill first, loot his body, run. Thats the motto of this game now. There is no friendship. I only trust my guild mates that play dayz, noone else.

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Kill first' date=' loot his body, run. Thats the motto of this game now. There is no friendship. I only trust my guild mates that play dayz, noone else.


That accurately reflects the negative anti-player attitude that the pvp community have so brillliantly brought to this great mod :s

Having been betrayed twice today already I must admit I can see why so many, at least 90% have "turned to the dark side"

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it does seem that lately the only way to make a good team is with people u know outside of the game.i am very sad about this as i remember meeting up with random survivors often a few patches ago.

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Just about using common sense but those people who are happy to get on mic and pretend are the worst.

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Do what i do avoid everyone regardless, only time i talk to a surviour is if he needs obvious help and even then i help and run away to cover

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What did his Heartbeat say? ^^

I didn't understand, but sounded like a lee enfield :(

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Only heartbeat I've heard in DayZ was my own. When I was at 3.4k Blood. I hadn't killed anyone.

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It's your own fault for now shooting him in the back. Go to the survivors forum and hook up with a group or don't trust anyone at all.

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I'm not going to stop being nice to people, I act like I would in real life, this is one of the few games that lets you really put your personality and humanity into a character. When I meet someone who doesn't instantly shoot, I salute them and communicate, if I have anything that could help them, I will offer it. I often pick up extra Binoculars, Watches, Compasses etc... so I can help others and give them useful tools. And when doing looting runs I always hit the hospitals to pick up epi-pens, morphine and blood packs so if I meet someone who has been in a war, I can fix them up, and they can me once the trust is there.

If you see me in game, I can make a good ally and I do loot runs through Elektro and Cherno. And sometimes Airfields, which is about the only place where I am a lot more hesitant with other survivors, but I still give people a chance.

Shoot first though, and I will give you a fight. ;)

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I'm not going to stop being nice to people' date=' I act like I would in real life, this is one of the few games that lets you really put your personality and humanity into a character. When I meet someone who doesn't instantly shoot, I salute them and communicate, if I have anything that could help them, I will offer it. I often pick up extra Binoculars, Watches, Compasses etc... so I can help others and give them useful tools. And when doing looting runs I always hit the hospitals to pick up epi-pens, morphine and blood packs so if I meet someone who has been in a war, I can fix them up, and they can me once the trust is there.

If you see me in game, I can make a good ally and I do loot runs through Elektro and Cherno. And sometimes Airfields, which is about the only place where I am a lot more hesitant with other survivors, but I still give people a chance.

Shoot first though, and I will give you a fight. ;)


See, this is the way you need to approach it. I'm sure this dude got shot a whole bunch when he's been all "hey, let's be friends." But he's not whining about it. He ain't even mad. *brofist*

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I can just imagine OP standing directly next to this guy, head craned all the way around and over the other's shoulder, shouting into direct. If you don't have cover between you and a possible bandit/friendly, just shoot them. Better safe, rather than sorry.

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What did his Heartbeat say? ^^

I am yet to hear this new heartbeat sound. How many murders does it take for the game to see you as a bandit?

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I am yet to hear this new heartbeat sound. How many murders does it take for the game to see you as a bandit?

The heartbeat is extremely buggy, as it sometimes shows up, sometimes doesn't. When it does show, it does on bandits and survivors alike.

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See' date=' this is the way you need to approach it. I'm sure this dude got shot a whole bunch when he's been all "hey, let's be friends." But he's not whining about it. He ain't even mad. *brofist*


Haha, I make sure I don't get too attached to my loot, so I'm open to taking risks, and getting mad isn't going to help. I've had good experiences when I meet fellow survivors who are friendly. But yeah, like you said, I have eaten a lot of fire trying to be nice to people.

But, that's life, that's humanity, in real life I'm 6 foot 5 with long hair so I stand out, and I come across people who are very hostile towards me off the bat. On rare occasions I have been attacked by others without a word said between us. But that hasn't stopped me being nice to every person I meet. :), and that transfers over to DayZ, I'm not going to let the odd Bandit turn me into one of them.

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