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recording with open broadcast ?

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I was really torn about where this should go as it is not troubleshooting about the game its self but if i am in the wrong place feel free to move it mods.


Anyway i can't seem to record dayz with open broadcast, i have tried it on a few other games and it works fine.


I am opening dayz then going to source and then game capture and then i am selecting dayz and record but when i watch the video back i get audio of the game fine but the screen is just black, just to recap this is not an issue with everything as other games work fine and so does window capture but it just will not record dayz it self, any ideas on what is causing this, could the resolution have anything to do with it ??


Thanks in advance


A cynic.

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Are you running any other recording software, or any teamspeak/mumble overlays etc? And are you seeing a black screen in the recordings or the program when you tab out?


MSI afterburner can cause problems with this program as well.

Edited by rustledmyjimmies

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Tried this dude, did not work. I am debating getting frap now.

Bandicam is best from my testing.. better for FPS than fraps, Dxtory, OB, XSplit, etc.. 


OB seems to have issues with DayZ in general. I tried for a while to get it Twitch stream properly and eventually gave up. I now use Dxtory, and Xsplit for twitch streaming and bandicam for general recording. 

Edited by lrish

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If you have a Geforce GTX 600 series or higher you can record using your graphics card. It is recorded and rendered on the spot. If you have a 600 series or higher; Install Geforce Experience and look around for shadowplay.

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