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regrets? i have one son

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Yea, I found a newb afk in the upstairs of a house. He wasn't responding, and after some investigation was obviously AFK. Handcuffed him, opened some food and water and put it in his inventory, go rid of his 2 batteries and two flashlights (...wtf...)



But I regret that I forgot I didn't have a handcuff key. Oh well, he was probably hella confused when he got back to the computer.


nice one son its a shady 6/10


I reckon he was well confused an that when got back from his piss break, you coulda won the thread by waitin around till he got back, givin him a bit a time to work out what was what then, popped yer head round the corner, shouted 'OI NOOB' then popped couple a rounds off into his face like.


2 Weeks ago , i geared up pretty well at berezino ( mosin , mountain backpack , sodas , rice , splitting axe .. ) then i decided to go to the airfield thats right next to it ... saw two guys fighting zombies at the airfield and started helping them ,we talked a bit and continued together . Headed up to the city right next to the airfield ( don't know how it's called .. ) we stopped in the middle of the road and one of them tried to handcuff me .. i got my ass saved because i moved and started looting the city alone . After , i found mosin ammo and started looking at them getting into the firestation , one of them looked really dumb because he was always standing still for some long time so i killed him first , his friend came to see what happened and i killed him like a damn rabbit ( R.I.P ). Regrets ? Hell no !! Hated the way they were dressed :D


solid 7/10 for you boy

that's more like it son, pop a few rounds in the arseholes an move on, put it behind yer an don't look back, maybe a quiet smile to yerself while yer reloadin then jog on to find the next noob.

Edited by Beansy™

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Holy Zombie Jesus ...my eyes! Son...I think your English teacher just rolled in her/his grave.

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