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Meetings in DayZ

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So here I was looting NEAF and being all cheery when I come up to the top floor of the air tower and my life ends with the sounds of gunfire...


I understand, you folks are blase about jackassery around here, but this is not, surprisingly enough, the topic of this post. It's what happened in the respawn after that.


I was walking around... Berezino, I think? looting basic stuff, still in my starter clothing and with a can of peaches in my back pocket when I see a guy who is about middle tier in gear running in front of me. Fortunately, he hadn't spotted me, so I started backpedalling, when he stops and turns around. So do I, thinking "well scumbag, let's get this over with." and being all fatalistic.


Instead the guy waves to me twice, drops a 1911 and a pistol flashlight and wordlessly leaves, leaving me surprised that I was still alive.


Don't know your name mate, but in case you're reading this - you're a rockstar.

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There are a handful of people in DayZ.


Not all are assholes.

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