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ZincGaming.com Gaming Community - Dayz Epoch Server NEW 18/4/14

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Hello Everyone,


Just a quick message to invite everyone to come and join us on our teamspeak & in our new Dayz Epoch Server, The server is currently in alpha stage but we are implementing things hourly/daily to see what's good and whats a game changer. i would like to invite you all to come and join us and to get your feedback on what you would like in a server to make it competative with the other ones and make it busy 24/7. (Free Full briefcase for each player who helps in alpha for when the server goes LIVE tonight @ 20.00 GMT)


Teamspeak -


ZincGaming.com Epoch Server -


Looking forward to speaking to you & playing along side you guys & girls.


Many Thanks

Edited by Spaffman

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Hello Everyone,


Just a quick refresher to invite everyone to come and join us on our teamspeak & in our new Dayz Epoch Server, I would like to invite you all to come and join us and to get your feedback on what you would like in a server to make it competitive with others.



Teamspeak -

ZincGaming.com Epoch Server -


A few of the mods we have installed.


- Animated Heli, AN2 Crash
- Selfbloodbag
- Autorefuel
- Salvage modification to remove every part
- NPC (Sarge AI) with modified weapons
- Side Missions (EMS) with reduced loot
- AI Zone Alpha
- Several Map Updates
- New Traders & Changes
- Traders Safezone
- Wrecks with Loot
- Service Station near Stary City
- Snap Building
- Indestructible Bases
- Extra Vehicles (Merlin, M113Ambul_UN_EP1, BTR40_TK_GUE_EP1 , M1133_MEV_EP1, Bell Heli)
- No Plot
- Tow & Lift with modified vehicle/heli list
- No Salvage on locked vehicles
- No Damage on locked vehicles


including alot more buildings and missions

 Ikea Missions, 3 new town's, 2 new castle's, 6 new barracks all over the map (hidden) + MUCH MUCH MORE!!!


Looking forward to speaking to you & playing along side you guys & girls.


Many Thanks




[email protected]

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Merging. Please stick to existing topics.

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Maybe you could have deleted the old one or given me a chance to. Ta

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Useage of the Daeks script pack!

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Useage of the Daeks script pack!



New Mission Updated. 


Brand new mission system + mods.


Finally no previous peoples script packs!


Feel free to come join us!! 



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