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Odin Tyr

Ahhrg 3 out of 3 is too much

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My last 3 deaths came from hackers, and NO this is not a desync issue or such.


First time the hacker scum nailed me was in a little village above Svetlo.

There was just 7 people on the server and I checked the player list continuously since I joined and more important, right before I met my doom. 

I was looting around Olsha when suddenly a player appeared like voodoo in front of the garagedoor and tried to pop shot me with a mosin.

I didn't hear a sound before he was there. Anyway he missed and moved to the side.

I had an M4 with 60 rounds in my hands and started running after him and spraying bullets.   

But when I got around the corner he was gone WTF? Suddenly I got shot at again with a Mosin but now from the hillside ca 60m away.

I ran to the backside of the garage and used 3 person view over the roof, I saw him and I backpedaled a few meters and killed him.

He was unconscious or dead for sure so I moved forward up the hillside, suddenly I get shoot at again, its coming from the right and by the sound of it he was at least 50m away.

He had an M4 and kept spraying bullets while I zigg zagged like crazy away from him, I got hit twice before I got behind a building, it had little effect on my performance.


I keept running and was damn sure he could not see me or where I went.

He was spraying bullets while I put more distance between us but he still managed to get to the same spot I was hiding just seconds after I stopped to bandage. 


Of coerce you do get pumped up when things suddenly blows up in your face.

The first guy seamed to jump at me out of nowhere and then magically disappears over open ground into the woods to shot from another direction.

And I was blow away how his M4 friend managed to pinpoint my location and zap to it as soon as I stopped moving.

Well It was a strange experience for sure but I didn't dwell on it too much, perhaps there where other players on the crime scene? 


I got re-spawned in Berezino and ran straight up to Khelm thinking perhaps I could make it to Olsha before my body went away.


As I'm about to exit a building a fresh spawn with only a mosin appears right in front of me. Just like it did in the garage and again with no sound clue.

He tries to shoot at me from the door and misses. I pull out a baseball bat I just found and start to chase him around while he's also trying to shoot me. 

We run around like crazy and I got two hits on him with the bat, when a Zombie goes after him too, I'm starting to think I got the dude.  

Then Bam, he ghost jumps 50m away, both me and the zombie runs after him, he turns and kill the zombie but when I get close, he jumps again.

I zig zag around while he's trying to shot me. I'm talking to the hacker and call him out and he keeps ghosting around whenever I get close. 

He nails me eventually and zaps over and starts to attack my corps.


While he was doing that wanted to check the players list but I couldn't make it stay up so I had to spam the key to see the names.

Then I remembered  I had shadowplay working so I pressed ALT-F9 and recorded it so I could take a look at player list in slow motion afterwards.

I exit the game and run the clip, and see that the same 7 players where still on the server.

That means the last guy that killed me was the same guy that jumped on me the first time, and after seeing him ghost around me in an open field.

Leaves no doubt in my mind that I got nailed twice on that server by two lowlife hacking buddy's that where operating together. 

One is bad enugh but two, that's hard to handle. However I got a feeling these are the same two guys that wiped out my 3 man squad a week ago.

You don't get Unlimited ammo, ghost jumping and wall hack abilities from desync or lag. 


Naturally I wasn't going to spend more time on that server so I jumped to an empty clan server and found loots of good loot.

Mosin + LRS and M4 and all the good bits you can dream of + plenty military gear. I was jacked up and all pristine, even better than before the f.... got to me. 

I ran back to Berezino and climbed up in one of the cranes on the docks and logged out. 


Tonight I log into a full GB MultiplaySerserver.com thinking its a new day, yesterdays hacking nightmare was just a bad dream.

I spawned inside the crane house and ducked down in the middle and used 3P to check my suroundings.

I hadn't been online more than a couple of minutes before I suddenly see a Mosin barrel sticking over the ladder.

Its very tricky to climb the last two ladders, its kind of overlapping.


I call the guy out and say he will be caught with his pants down if he tries to climb the last ladder. 

Then I try to talk to the guy and invite him to team up with me. He says a few words but I can't make out what he's saying.

I peeked out and saw he was gone down from the crane. I figured it was best to hold position in the center and use 3P to check around, I felt pretty safe.

Nobody could see or shoot me from any angle. Well that's what I thought.


I have dedicated soundcard with expensive headphones and the sound is excellent and the crane house is all metal, you can't sneak up there.   

I kept checking my surrounding with freelook and 3P it was quiet for ca two minutes then suddenly I'm starting to take damage, 4-5 times rapidly out of thin air.  

Not a single gun shoot or footsteps and there was nobody in the crane house either. whatever hit me, ruined all my pristine army gear from top to toe. 

The only angle I could be shot from was if somebody used bullet drop, firing from the shipwreck 1423m away.

Another way would be to spray the crane house and kill me with bullet ricochets. I heard gunshots all over Berezino but nothing when I got hit.   

I was unconscious for ca 10min before I died. After I re-spawned I ran back straight back and I climb up to see he only took the Mosin ammo.


I know the game is still Alpha so I'll try to endure the pain for now but I seriously hope they manage to trap the f.... and ban them from Steam and whatnot.


Sorry for the long read. You got me beans if you read it all ;-)


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Sucks man.. I have never from 600 hours met a hacker (that I know off). But I never or rarely go to the hotspots when I play. When I do I tend to die rather fast anyway..

Good thing you got one of them bitches anyway.

Hacking seems like a growing problem and I hope they sort it out eventually.

Hang in there and see you down the barrel :-)

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I feel ya man.


Hackers didn't seem a problem after the initial release but now they're here in abundance. I put DayZ down a couple of weeks back and likely wont play again until we have whitelisted private hives; not worth the hassle.

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First one sounds like you just got out played.

Here's what I see happening constantly.

Player A gets to excited during engagement and doesn't pay very good attention to surroundings.

Player B kills goofy player A after he makes fatal mistake eg. Falling for the slip-flank maneuver when chasing around a building.

Player A complains on forums about "hacks"

Same shit in World of Warcraft.

Terribad kid loses duel to you for fifth time blaming lag and hacks.. no stops to think maybe its just them

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Encountered 2 in around 20 hours of gameplay. Unacceptable, I personally have put the game down while I wait for it to be fixed. I guess this should be prioritized before spray cans and what not. 

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