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Weapons need to spawn with atleast 1 magazine in them.

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How is that even related.



A better example would be.


M4 should not spawn with a bolt.

revolver should not spawn with a cylinder

axes should not spawn with a handle.


That is the most stupid comparison I have ever heard and people keep repeating it over and over again. A weapon that uses a magazine does not require a magazine to function as you can manually chamber a round into the weapon. Stop parroting other people without thinking please.

Edited by weedmasta
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That is the most stupid comparison I have ever heard and people keep repeating it over and over again. A weapon that uses a magazine does not require a magazine to function as you can manually chamber a round into the weapon. Stop parroting other people without thinking please.


Not always true. My M&P will not fire if a magazine is not inserted some kind of magazine drop safety that alot of modern pistols have, its supposed to be some kind of measure cops can use if their gun is being wrestled from them you drop the mag so your own gun cannot be used against you.



But thats besides the point.


Point is a complete weapon system that has a magazine requires a magazine.


Without a magazine the weapon is not complete. Thus this is exactly the same as removing a critical part of another weapon weather that be a bolt or a handguard.


The magazine is as much of a vital part for a handgun as any other part. It was designed to function with a magazine it is not some bonus accesory that enhances the weapon it is a vital piece of kit to have the gun function to the best of its ability.

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It's really not.


If it were, it'd would be like a gun with an internal magazine/cylinder etc.  It's designed as a separate part of the gun, and it's not unheard of for guns to be sold without magazines.

Hell, for that matter, do you really think they manufacture a magazine along with every gun created?  Ridiculous comparison.

Edited by Bororm

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It's really not.


If it were, it'd would be like a gun with an internal magazine/cylinder etc.  It's designed as a separate part of the gun, and it's not unheard of for guns to be sold without magazines.

Hell, for that matter, do you really think they manufacture a magazine along with every gun created?  Ridiculous comparison.




So you are saying gun manufacturers should sell guns without magazines ?


I have never , ever heard of a gun maker selling a firearm that required magazines without any as stated before it is exactly like selling a revolver without a handle or an m4 without a handguard.


Sure you might be able to make the firearm function without that part but the complete weapon is the revolver with the handle and the handguard on the m4.


You simply do not have a complete firearm without having a magazine in a magazine fed weapon.

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I'm fairly certain they don't sell guns with magazines already inserted, empty or not.


And guns don't come off the assembly line with a magazine in them either.

Edited by Bororm

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It is not a matter of completeness but of comparison.


Can an M4 function without a magazine? Yes.

Can an M4 function without a bolt? No.


So comparing an M4 without a magazine to an M4 without a bolt does not make any sense.

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The only players who whine about weapons and ammo and the like never leave the coast line...

Leave the coast line head inland ive never found problems to anything be it clothes food,weapons or ammo by going inland..

By just placing ammo,mags and guns together is a very bad idea...and should never happen..

Because ive had mates who have had weapons with no ammo aim it at some1 and they ran away not knowing there was no ammo,the gun in itself served its purpose....

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There should at least be a  good chance for a weapon to spawn with a magazine. It doesen't even need to have bullets in it.


Especially handgun magazines and those for "low tier" rifles like the sporter need to be more common as they are stupidly rare at the moment, rendering those guns almost useless.

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One just has to ask themselves a simple question for this suggestion to make complete sense.


Would the mosin nagant be as sought after if it required magazines to be loaded, would the sks ?


Would people actually walk around with the sporter 22 if it had a built in magazine ?

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Unless you don't want to go to one of the military bases.


The issue here is that if I find an Amphibia, 1911, or FNX45 at any of the normal towns, why should I pick it up? I can have tons of .45 ACP and a bucketload of .22 LR, but I can only chamber one round, and since none of those magazines spawn in civilian / residential areas, I'm out of luck.


This forces me to only get to use these guns when I spend an hour or so looting NWAF and Balota, due to their tent camps.


The magazines rarely spawn. They are hard to get a hold of, because they only spawn at the military tent camps, firestations, and a few other specific places.


So you would rather the game made it easier for you by spawning them in a non hotspot.  Risk v reward my friend.  You want a magazine, you gotta risk getting shot. 

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The problem is, that when your only good chance of finding magazines for even the most basic weapons is going to military bases, what's the point in those weapons anyway? Why use a sporter or fnx when the only place you will find magazines will also have much better weapons in stock?


Also it would make more sense for "civilian" weaponry and the respective magazines to be found in civilian areas.

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You're just not looking in the right places. I find mags pretty easily for most guns with the exception of the amphibia and the CR75 (don't know where in the hell those mags spawn). Plus this would make the game too easy since guns are so common

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The problem is, that when your only good chance of finding magazines for even the most basic weapons is going to military bases, what's the point in those weapons anyway? Why use a sporter or fnx when the only place you will find magazines will also have much better weapons in stock?


Also it would make more sense for "civilian" weaponry and the respective magazines to be found in civilian areas.


I definitely agree, it makes little sense to find sporter magazines or crossbow bolts in military installations.


What I personally would prefer would be that most (not all though) weapons spawn with magazines in them, with rounds ranging from empty to full capacity, however drastically reduce the amount of loose ammunition laying around, including those still in their boxes as well as reducing the amount of  spare magazines laying about (magazines should rarely be at full capacity when found, including those found with said weapon). But... that's just me.

Edited by LeChat
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I do agree that the more common guns should have their mags be more common too. I spent several days touring the map for a mag for my Sporter until I just gave up in disgust.

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Also it would make more sense for "civilian" weaponry and the respective magazines to be found in civilian areas.


By all means distribute the loot more, but that is not what OP is asking.

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Well it sounded like you were defending the way even civilian loot is concentrated on airfield and mil bases, although it makes little sense.


Hence this statement was directed at you.

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I gotta agree on this, who would own a gun and not have a magazine for it in the same building or with the gun?. Maybe they should take down the amount of magazines spawn on there own and increase how many spawn with the gun. So instead of there being magazines scattered all over the place make it a chance that 1-2 mags spawn with the weapon. So you are lucky to find a gun with a spare mag but guaranteed to find atleast 1 with the rifle which could be in any condition unless someone has taken it as a spare magazine for themselves which people did in the mod. Just because the magazine spawns with the gun doesn't mean it has ammo, maybe make them spawn with between 0-15 rounds in them or something the lower value being the most common and make the ammo rare. If I find an m1911 the chances are there should be a magazine either in it or close by its a little silly that I should have to search all over for the magazine when I could just take a magnum. Also magazines should not spawn with full capacity ammo and military ammo should spawn in military areas and civilian ammo and bolts should spawn in civilian areas and hunting stands.

Edited by Ricky Spanish

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So you would rather the game made it easier for you by spawning them in a non hotspot.  Risk v reward my friend.  You want a magazine, you gotta risk getting shot. 


It has nothing to do with making the game easier or not.


What it has to do is with making some weapons actually be useful or completely and utterly ignored like the sporter is or any of the magazine fed pistols are.


What good is having dozens and dozens of magazine fed weapons in the game when everyone will just get a mosin or an sks because of the internal magazine.

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It has nothing to do with making the game easier or not.


What it has to do is with making some weapons actually be useful or completely and utterly ignored like the sporter is or any of the magazine fed pistols are.


What good is having dozens and dozens of magazine fed weapons in the game when everyone will just get a mosin or an sks because of the internal magazine.


What you are asking is to find a working weapon in one go.  


All weapons are useful, we roll with sporters until we find better guns.  I'll always take a FNX or a 1911 over a magnum.  I just bide my time till I get a magazine.


Plenty of people use the M4, a magazine fed weapon, most won't use the .22 due to them being crap.  No other reason.

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What you are asking is to find a working weapon in one go.  


All weapons are useful, we roll with sporters until we find better guns.  I'll always take a FNX or a 1911 over a magnum.  I just bide my time till I get a magazine.


Plenty of people use the M4, a magazine fed weapon, most won't use the .22 due to them being crap.  No other reason.


his point is that is 10 times easier to get a m4+magazine than getting a freaking sporter as a placeholder gun.


Sporters should spawn with a 10 round mags, now they're more than useless.

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What you are asking is to find a working weapon in one go.  


All weapons are useful, we roll with sporters until we find better guns.  I'll always take a FNX or a 1911 over a magnum.  I just bide my time till I get a magazine.


Plenty of people use the M4, a magazine fed weapon, most won't use the .22 due to them being crap.  No other reason.


Are revolvers not working weapons, are sks and mosins not completely functioning weapons also ?


m4 is fine the way it is now only because of the high number of military spawn points within a military base.


It is daam near impossible to raid a fresh base and not find magazines for an m4 in the process.


The same cannot be said for the pistols and for the sporter 22.


This is why these weapons are rarely seen.

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Are revolvers not working weapons, are sks and mosins not completely functioning weapons also ?


m4 is fine the way it is now only because of the high number of military spawn points within a military base.


It is daam near impossible to raid a fresh base and not find magazines for an m4 in the process.


The same cannot be said for the pistols and for the sporter 22.


This is why these weapons are rarely seen.

I think he was stating that is his personal preference in weapons, not that they aren't fully operational. I have no problems finding pistol magazines...in fact I have 3 FNX mags on my person right now and my buddy has 3 of EVERY type on him. The reason people don't use the sporter .22 is because of its garbage damage. I often find the magazines to my weapons right NEXT to the weapon I picked up, which is already way too easy. The devs will never spawn the mags with the guns because they are making this an "anti-game", meaning the difficulty of the game SHOULD cause some people to rage and never play the game again (i.e. Dark Souls/Demon Souls). If you expected an easy game where you can just shoot other people, you might want to quit playing now.

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I think he was stating that is his personal preference in weapons, not that they aren't fully operational. I have no problems finding pistol magazines...in fact I have 3 FNX mags on my person right now and my buddy has 3 of EVERY type on him. The reason people don't use the sporter .22 is because of its garbage damage. I often find the magazines to my weapons right NEXT to the weapon I picked up, which is already way too easy. The devs will never spawn the mags with the guns because they are making this an "anti-game", meaning the difficulty of the game SHOULD cause some people to rage and never play the game again (i.e. Dark Souls/Demon Souls). If you expected an easy game where you can just shoot other people, you might want to quit playing now.


Once again. Spawning magazine based weapons with empty magazines does not make the game easier it just makes certain weapons viable.


The reason peole do not use the sporter is not because of lack of ammo or because they think its shit, its simply because finding magazines is such an ordeal for that weapon that by the time they find a mag they would have found 3 or 4 mosins or sks rifles by then.


I personally would love to use the sporter all the time peck at people annoying them.


I would actually love some stats on player behavior to be released. I would bet my left nut that the number of people running around with magazine based weapons that are not the m4 is exponentially smaller than the non magazine requiring weapons.

Edited by gibonez

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Rather than spawn with a mag, mags should be just a little a bit more wide spread.  By that I mean, not just spawned at military and police sites.  Same for loose and boxed 5.56mm, it's really hard to find.  But no mags should spawn with an M4 or M1911 or any other pistol UNLESS IT IS EMPTY OR HAS NO MORE THAN ONE ROUND IN IT, never a full mag.  I say this because finding loose and boxed .45 or .22 is pretty easy.  On a side note after 314 hours of play I have yet to find a magazine for a 9mm pistol.

Edited by Barnabus
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