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Your current characters setup and status

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Hey , in this thread just share your current characters gear and stats ect.

Here is my one. It's the furthest that I'v ever gotten into the game , and I've been alive about 6 days , but I suspect I will die soon , as me and my friend I'm playing with are getting sloppy.

M4A3 with 4 mags

Glock 17 with 6 mags


Water Bottle




Blood bag


(M4A3 + 4 MAGS)

Sidearm Inventory

2 Bandages

(G17 + 6 MAGS)

Utility Belt


Hunting Knife







Military Flashlight


3 Bandages

2 Bloodbags

4 cans of assorted beany goodness

1 Epi-Pen

2 FN FAL mags (Saving them , as when i find a crash site I normally don't find many)

Ghillie suit (Waiting for fix until I wear them)

2 Morphine

3 Sodas

153 zombie kills

89 headshots

3 murders

12000 blood (tranfusion)

So , what have you all got on your current char?

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Hunting Knife

2 Canteens

2 Bandages

8 pieces of cooked meat

6 zombies killed

6 headshots.

0 murders

Been alive 9 days and counting.

Style: escape/evade.

Name: fuck off. guess.

It is, after all, a survival mod. A fact lost on most of the fucking idiots playing it. When I die it will be to some bitchass hacker fag using [known script name removed] to kill me to stop my run on the survival leaderboard. Again.

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All tools


+ Rangefinder

40+ zombie kills

no murders or bandit kills

Been alive for around 3-4 days maybe. Mostly scouting around for helicopters and stashing stuff around. If i see other survivor i avoid contact and observe from long distance, on short range i will shoot on sight.

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To start with : you can wear Ghillie atleast all my buddies wearing it with no problems :0



Mk Mod 0




Rangefinder X2

Ghillie suit Alice bag

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if you dont mind me asking, how long did it take you to find that mk 48 i have an FAL and want the mk so badly.

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M16 Acog


0 kills

0 deaths

and stacked up on everything else and camping out at Pobeda Dam and have been alive for awhile.

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to piss on datguy's self-righteous parade, here are my last three lives

a) DMR and mk48 mod0 with all gear (NVGs, rangers camo, coyote pack, GPS, ect) - 11 murders, one bandit kill, 530 zeds and 11 days on the clock

after maybe 40 hours in game I died to a random ak on a hill, my buds avenged me and split the loot

b) none of my mates wanted the mk48, so I crept north and retrieved it - turned out to be useful: before I'd shot a single zed it murdered someone

racked up another three murders and died after two dayz/six hours to some ghosting cheater

c) I took a few days out to cool off after meeting that weaselly little shit I

when met up with my tribe again, one of us stumbled onto another group's camp and walked away with a spare M107

I didn't like it though, so when we found a crashed heli with rangers, a DMR and mk48 I made the switch

I'm now five days/25 hours into this life and have taken NVGs off one victim, a coyote backpack off another and hacked some poor woman to death when she refused to say hello


yeah the mk48 is lovely oh my god so lovely

gotta keep finding them choppers bud, we just been getting lucky

here's the mk48 kill that earnt my latest NVGs

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hm, happen to have a spare one lol? i will trade, that video gave me a huge boner,no homo.

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to piss on datguy's self-righteous parade' date='


Failed dismally. But I guess that's something you're used to.

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@9 days

Hunting knife


6 water bottles



Fucking long beard


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oh datguy is so superior, please, teach me to be majestically smug about how I play a computer game

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only things i lack are a coyote backpack , gps and nvg.

m249, 1000 rounds

g17, 4mags

5 steaks

2 canned food

4 water (3 cans 1 water bottle)

2 blood bags

3 morphine

2 painkillers

4 bandages

i'm quite content keeping my stock like this, the only problem i find is the m249 is a crappy gun for going solo, great covering weapon, unwieldy in CQC not to mention loud.

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yea i currently run bizon and fal with revolver, love the bizon, recently killed three guys with less than one mag with the fal. i used to have nvg's then i died. i had some stored in a car, car got wiped, got another car. car stolen. ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! my bran my explado (my brain may explode)

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