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Turning into a zombie

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You get bit.

You get infected.

You either:

Find the anti-virus in under 12 hours


Become a zombie.

You now have the option to roam the streets and attempt to infect other players or refresh to respawn a new character leaving your shell zombie body behind to roam as AI (also carrying your items in your backpack!).

Keep in mind I feel you'd have to be bit first to become infected, not just hit by a zombie. Perhaps only when you're knocked unconscious and they start eating you would you become infected.

I've survived this scenario several times to just heal up and roam around like nothing ever happened.

Make the anti-virus rare and hard to find. Like only 1 or 2 per hospital, or only have it spawn on military areas. Maybe make it something you need more than one item to combine.

And of course it would only work on still living flesh. Once a zombie always a zombie.


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I think we are supposed to be immune, but who knows what path Rocket will follow?

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Not a bad idea. Could make for some good fun. Stalking players around with your zombie abilities. Smart zombies =)

Your zombie should have all of your gear on it.

Though, I want to piggy-back your idea with one of my own.

Zombies should be able to loot corpses. This would entice players to kill zombies if they suspect a player died nearby. Wouldn't it be cool to find a MP5 or something off of a zombie?

My lucky day!

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This needs to happen.

Then if we could walk like zombies: bandit, survivors and zombies would be one indiscernible mix

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