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H1Z1, DayZ killer?

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As of now, DayZ is very laggy, overhyped and is being developed in the wrong direction. But it's still very fun, because it's one of the most realistic zombie survival games out there.


I just heard of this new game coming out, called "H1Z1" which is a zombie survival MMO, built off the Planetside 2 engine and will support over 1000 players in the massive open world, the developers claim it to take games like Rust and DayZ to the next level.


What DayZ really needs, is more advanced crafting, base building and vehicles. And that is, what H1Z1 promises. But better, according to the developers.

It's going to be a free to play game, like Planetside 2, but has promised not to be a pay2win, like Planetside 2 was. It's going to be clothing that you can buy, not bases or weapons.

What really excites me, since I am a The Walking Dead fan, is that the developer made an example how bases are built, and how players fight each other. And that is, as he described, like the fights between the town and the prison in The Walking Dead.

This could mean, like the problems DayZ has with KoS, that players will communicate, trade loot and help each other out, since base building is a big thing. One lonely survivor would never really go fight a fortress with a large group of survivors.


With other words, this game will be a lot like surviving in The Walking Dead (TV Series) and not a huge deathmatch like DayZ at the moment, H1Z1 also has great graphics potential!


For more info:


What do you think?

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