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o5pr3y (DayZ)

Well crap...

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Decided to go out and go "bandit" hunting along the coast today. 

I use that term loosely.
By "bandit", I mean bully who enjoys griefing and KOS'ing the new spawns. It's something I like to do when playing solo, and I'm usually pretty through. I don't just KOS every geared up person on teh coast. I like proof of banditry.

I'm wandering the stretch just South of Solnichniy and East of Tulga, where the coast bends when I hear a few distant gunshots. I was making my way to Elektro so I expected to hear a ton of gunshots as I got closer. I pause along the side of the mountain when I see a dead new spawn, (white shirt, black pants, and red backpack) and he's being looted by someone in fully camouflaged gear, ( camo clothes, M4, Boonie Cap, and Hunting packpack). 

I start to monitor this player as he travels back up north along the coast. I'm not sure who attacked who first in his previous encounter. As I track him I come to an opening in the treeline and am forced to move out of line of sight and lost my target.

I'ma bit disappointed for a bit, but then I see movement at Solnichniy's little 3 building crossroads. The player is in all camo, with a green backpack, and M4. I see a another new spawn approach and I quickly move into a good shooting position. They appear to be talking so I use their distraction to move up close. I can hear them talking and one is sounding demanding.

I'm not too far away now, but then I see the Geared player raise his rifle at the new spawn. I aim for center mass, and let 3 rounds fly. 

I missed 2 of them.


I hear them shout: "Run! Some asshole bandit is fucking shooting at us!"

I hear return fire, I decide to stay motionless behind a tree as his shots are 45 degrees off target.
He stops firing and they take off. Zig zagging back to town.


"Some asshole bandit is fucking shooting at us!"
Neither was a victim in that case
Neither was a bandit or griefer.

I dun' goofed.


Tried to bandit hunt, became a bandit.

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Well nobody got hurt so it's not so bad, at least you tried to verify your target first :)

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How do you know the one raising the gun on his fresh spawn "buddy" wasnt about to kill the dude and just got interrupted by your shots?

Just because he screams "bandit" doesnt mean hes not killing the bambi come next opportunity

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Because he referred to the two of them as "us". Suggesting, (to me anyways) that they were a group.

Not "that bandit is shooting at me".


Also they ran away together.

Edited by o5pr3y

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Tried to bandit hunt, became a bandit.

This is the problem with bandit hunting, it is essential being a bandit yourself unless you catch someone in the act but that is rather rare i find.

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I think "bandit hunting" is just an excuse we use when we go to the coast looking for trouble.


Once you are geared up It's almost inevitable ( at least for me :D ). I get driven to the coast by a mixture of homicidal/suicidal tendencies which fuel themselves of the enevitable boredom after there is nothing else left to do.

Edited by Buffaloe
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