Katana67 2907 Posted April 15, 2014 (edited) There's been a lot of discussion lately, and for a while, as to when the events of DayZ take place. I've taken the liberty of compiling a rough fictional (and interpretive) timeline leading up to DayZ. I've attempted to fuse an ARMA timeline (note, this can be considered as a separate timeline from the vanilla Armaverse or ARMA III timeline), with elements of real-world circumstance, in conjunction with zombie apocalypse fiction, and finally I've included my own interpretation of quarantine procedure. As such, a heavy focus on the military (as an actor in the outbreak of infection) is apparent. This is largely due to it being a familiar medium to me. However, it is also due to the fact that the military is likely to play a heavy role in such an outbreak. This is a long list, and there is no TL;DR version. It is in bullet form however. If you read the entire chronology, you will have my undying respect. However, if not, please see my comments at the bottom. I'm sure there are flaws in this timeline, this isn't meant to adhere to any one particular given interpretation, but bear with me. Comment will be added in the following post. Moderators, I am not suggesting a given timeline. The objective of this thread will be to discuss the merits of establishing a coherent background to the infection. My second post will discuss the in-game benefits/consequences of said approach. Skip to the bottom if you wish to see my take on how this can effect the in-game experience. 2010NATO Peacekeeping Mission CFOR (Chernarus Force) establishedParticipating NATO militaries (25,000 troops)United StatesGermanyCzech RepublicUnited KingdomParticipating non-NATO militaries (10,000 troops)RussiaGeorgia2012CFOR troop strength reduced from 35,000 to 15,000NATO officials cite economic stability as a motivating factor in the easing of tensions within ChernarusJoint Intelligence Estimate, 2010Remnants of the ChDKZ still linger in Chernarus, operational capabilities have been reduced as to render the group largely ineffectiveNational Party guerilla activity has halted, reforms within the party suggest the group is attempting to build political support in Eastern ChernarusJSOTF-W (Joint Special Operations Task Force – West) intercepted a possible shipment of weapons to Chernarus from neighboring TakistanIt is assessed as likely that these weapons were destined for National Party guerillas, however no data supports said conclusion2013CFOR FOB (Forward Operating Base) Jasper at Lopatino closedCFOR officials re-allocate the resources of the FOB, previously used as a checkpoint for outbound cargo and personnel, to Camp Charlotte at Balota AirfieldThe closing of FOB Jasper hailed as a formal end to offensive counter-insurgency operations within CFORSubsequent Base Listings for CFORCamp Charlotte, Balota AirfieldUnited KingdomGermanyFOB Berkut, Krasnostav AirfieldRussiaGeorgiaFOB Ripper, International AirfieldUnited StatesCzech Republic2014April 16, 2014South Zagoria Independent, “Myshkino Murder – Local Fisherman Kills Five in Deadly Rampage”Local police engaged and neutralized the perpetrator after a 48-hour manhuntApril 25, 2014Cases of “rabies” reported in the cities of Zelenogorsk, Pustoshka, and VyborApril 29, 2014Cases of “rabies” reported in the cities of Stary Sobor and PolanaMedical facilities in Zelenogorsk (Pavlovo) and Vybor at capacityCFOR requested to provide interim medical care and securityApril 30, 2014CFOR establishes medical treatment facilities in Zelenogorsk and VyborWorld Health Organization (WHO) response teams arrive at Balota Airfield and International AirfieldApril 31, 2014South Zagoria Independent, “Outbreak in the West – Unknown Virus Wreaks Havoc in Zelenogorsk”Images of the packed Zelenogorsk Medical Center and subsequent CFOR medical facilities shown to most ChernarussiansArticle comments on possible massacres perpetrated by CFOR in the outskirts of Zelenogorsk, evidenced by the testimony of several residents who heard sustained gunfire near Green MountainOvernight protests begin in Chernogorsk, Elektrozavodsk, and Berezino in reference to “sensationalist” newspaper articleMay 1, 2014National Party spokesmen in Chernogorsk decry the reports of CFOR massacres as “evidence of foreign despotism”Riots break out in Chernogorsk and ElektrozavodskCFOR allocates forces from FOB Ripper to secure medical treatment facilities in Stary SoborThree cases of “rabies” reported in ChernogorskMay 2, 2014WHO response teams issue a report calling for the quarantining of Zelenogorsk, Vybor, Stary Sobor, Pustoshka and Polana.Chernarussian government restricts all non-essential inbound and outbound travel from South ZagoriaPolice overwhelmed in Chernogorsk, many officers are lynched by unknown assailants. Looting and riots spread throughout the city, hospitals left unsecuredNAPA guerillas engage CFOR troops near Kabanino, no casualties reportedMay 3, 2014CFOR appropriated by the United Nations, renamed United Nations Operation Chernarus (UNOCHER)State of Emergency declared by Chernarussian officialsUNOCHER forces move to quarantine Zelenogorsk, Vybor, Stary Sobor, Pustoshka, and PolanaRiots break out in each cityRoadblocks established on the main roads in and out of each cityUNOCHER allocates security forces from Camp Charlotte to Chernogorsk to quell the riotsMay 4, 2014UNOCHER quarantines appear to be effectiveClassified reports relay that UNOCHER forces “do not have a tangible presence” inside of the quarantined areasRoadblocks around the quarantined cities swell, massive traffic jams amass as WHO and UNOCHER regulators screen for infectionUNOCHER forces engage armed and unarmed rebels in Chernogorsk, casualties reportedGerman frigate in the Green Sea reports turning back several groups of civilian vessels requesting refugee statusMay 5, 2014Indiscriminate gunfire reported in the various cities across South Zagoria, not limited to Chernogorsk and ElektrozavodskWHO teams report to UNOCHER officials that they have ascertained a “patient zero scenario” in Myshkino, UNOCHER officials request clarificationChernarussian politicians make public broadcasts pleading for calm and restraintUNOCHER contingent of United States Marine Corps (USMC) and Army of Czech Republic (ACR) forces reported missing at 0245 local, near KabaninoMay 6, 2014Contact lost with WHO response teams in Myshkino, UNOCHER units sent to investigateUNOCHER Imagery locates the missing contingent of Marines and Czech peacekeepers somewhere near VyshnoyeMARSOC reconnaissance team discovers burnt trucks and APCs, bodies strewn over the road north of VyshnoyeBodies unable to be recovered, MARSOC team pushed back by reported NAPA guerillas, official report cites “a heavy presence of civilian collaborators”UNOCHER forces stationed at quarantine checkpoints report an inability to process the overwhelming amount of refugees, stories of atrocity continue to circulateWHO screening teams report “porous quarantine protocol, multiple unregulated breaches and civilians approaching from unsecured areas”May 7, 2014Martial law is declared, citing unrest incited by “terrorists and guerillas intent on disrupting UNOCHER operations.”Russian troops spotted at the borders of ChernarusTakistani troops spotted at the borders of ChernarusRiots flare in most major cities and towns in ChernarusUNOCHER forces in Chernogorsk engaged in heavy fighting throughout the day, Associated Press broadcasts images of “piles of corpses” lining the streets of ChernogorskUS Special Operations Forces (USSOF) are called in to extract VIPs and dignitaries from ChernogorskUNOCHER checkpoints established surrounding all major citiesQuarantine roadblocks overwhelmed in the cities of Zelenogorsk and PustoshkaContact lost with UNOCHER forces in ZelenogorskUNOCHER forces in Pustoshka fall back to Vybor citing “infected personnel” for the first time in official communiquesMay 8, 2014Rolling blackouts reported as intermittent throughout the day in all major citiesZelenogorsk reported by UNOCHER recon elements as “dead”Power outage becomes permanent in Zelenogorsk, broadcasting capability across South Zagoria becomes spotty with the loss of Green Mountain Radio Tower“Guerilla”, “refugee”, and “infected” engagements reported at all major UNOCHER installations in ChernarusCasualties reported on both sides, situation reported as “secure” by nightfallCivilians stopped at the borders by Takistani and Russian forcesPreviously untouched cities such as Svetlojarsk and Lopatino report “widespread riots”Chernarussian economy collapses, foreign investment grinds to a haltMay 9, 2014Due to spotty communication with the government, confusion takes hold of the populace. Many begin leaving the country.Massive traffic jams are reported leading out of all major citiesAdditional traffic jams reported outside of every airfield in ChernarusNaval cordons in the Green Sea become overwhelmed with unregistered civilian vessels seeking amnestyInternational press outlets broadcast live footage of UNOCHER engagements with civilians, titling them frequently as “massacres”Russian Spetsnaz forces spotted evacuating dignitaries and Russian nationals out of Chernogorsk, Elektrozavodsk, and BerezinoMay 10, 2014Chernarus (South Zagoria) declared a “disaster area” by international authoritiesThe words “outbreak” and “infected” used by international media outlets for the first timeThe UNOCHER forces at Stary Sobor report being overrun, only a handful appear at FOB Ripper in the afternoonUNOCHER Rapid Intelligence Assessment, Chernarus, 10 May 2014UNOCHER blockades in the Western portion of South Zagoria have been overrun. UNOCHER has no effective presence outside of FOB Ripper and Camp Charlotte in the Western half of South Zagoria.Russian sources confirm that they have secured the city of Svetlojarsk, but are unable to handle the influx of refugees at the airfield in KrasnostavThe interior of the region is controlled by small bands of guerillas or local militias. Travel is judged to be impractical, given the high likelihood of engagement.Many local law enforcement units report being confined to their stations. The majority of towns are no longer providing frequent reports.May 11, 2014UNOCHER forces at Camp Charlotte forced to evacuate to Kamenka, citing an overwhelming presence of rioters flowing out of ChernogorskUNOCHER forces report heavy casualties, retreat from Balota to Kamenka dubbed “the Bloody Gap”Elektrozavodsk reported as “dark” after the last helicopter departed Balota Airfield at 2130 localLarge-scale fires are reported by observers in Chernogorsk, the city deemed as “lost”The press largely divests itself of direct reporting in Chernarus, some journalists remain in the secure northern areasMay 12, 2014USSOF reconnaissance teams inserted into Myshkino to locate missing WHO and UNOCHER personnelOperational details are classified, USSOF returned to FOB Ripper at 0900 localThe Russian and Georgian contingents make marked headway in securing the northeastern towns of Olsha, Khelm, Gvozdno, and DubrovkaTraffic jam reported as stretching from Krasnostav to DubrovkaWidespread reports of atrocities follow the Russian and Georgian successesThe last Russian helicopter departs from Berezino, leaving the southern portion of Chernarus completely unsecured. Power is lost completely in South Zagoria.Panic and infection reported in the refugee encampments surrounding FOB Ripper, journalists report intermittent gunfire around the perimeter of the International Airfield throughout the nightMay 13, 2014Firefights are reported across FOB RipperSeveral military and civilian transport planes depart International Airfield, status unknownAir Zagoria flight 297 experiences catastrophic engine failure over southern Chernarus, radar signature lost somewhere near ChernogorskGerman UNOCHER contingent becomes encircled at Devil’s CastleRussian and Georgian mechanized units deploy from Gvozdno to relieve encircled German peacekeepersFirst reports of “independent civilian radio communications” in the interior of Chernarus surfaceSurvivors of Camp Charlotte lead a civilian exodus to the southwest regions of Chernarus, status unknownMay 14, 2014Contact lost with German UNOCHER forces at Devil’s CastleRussian and Georgian relief halted by crowds of infected and sporadic gunfire outside of Devil’s Castle. Communications lost shortly after initial contact.FOB Ripper overrunLarge crowds of civilians are left defenseless on the tarmac of the International AirportLast flight out of FOB Ripper recorded at 0845 localRussian and Georgian contingents left as the only UNOCHER forces in ChernarusRussian border crossings become overwhelmed, reports of atrocities surfaceMay 15, 2014Gas lines explode in Svetlojarsk, creating a panic which leaves scores dead in the previously secured cityRussian and Georgian contingents forced to retreat to FOB Berkut and Svetlojarsk respectivelyWHO produces report on the initial findings of their response teams, report is quickly suppressed and classifiedMay 16, 2014The United Nations announces that it will be withdrawing from quarantine operations in Chernarus to “look at alternative methods of containment”Russian Spetsnaz spotted evacuating civilian personnel from SvetlojarskRussian forces abandon Svetlojarsk, leaving behind many unmoored transport ships in the harborCivilian traffic surges at FOB Berkut, mile-long crowds of civilians spotted outside of KrasnostavMay 17, 2014Riots and infection spread amongst crowds at FOB BerkutFences and barriers are penetrated, civilians travel freely on the runwayCivilian casualties and injuries reportedIn a similar situation to UNOCHER’s departure at FOB Ripper, many civilians are left vulnerable on the runway when the last flight departs at 2311 localUNOCHER withdraws from ChernarusMay 18, 2014Contact lost with civilians in ChernarusSeveral UNOCHER units left stranded, contact lost shortly thereafterHow does this enhance our experience in DayZ? I thought DayZ was only here to tell our stories? Having a functional lore explains the current landscape of Chernarus, pure and simple. I would argue that it enhances the experience by allowing the player to discover aspects of the apocalypse previously unknown. For example, a player loots Elektrozavodsk, he/she finds an internal UNOCHER memo detailing the operations of extracting VIPs. Or, player loots Zelenogorsk, player finds a tattered WHO assessment of the quarantine. This applies to the very landscape of Chernarus as well, which should reflect the lore. Again, using the above as an example, roadblocks could be found encircling most cities. Or the remains of an ambushed convoy could be found by the player near Vyshnoye. The point with both landscape and lore-based reflection of a background, is that it's never all available to the player. He/she must piece together what happened. He/she may not even get 10% of the information of what happened, thus adding to the tension, confusion, and mystery that makes DayZ so powerful. Edited April 17, 2014 by Katana67 14 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silvatos 50 Posted April 15, 2014 I read through this whole timeline, and I felt it was pretty good, but with how powerful the infected are, I would have thought it would take less than a month for the whole country to be overrun. It seems like while riots were in such a large city, that the few infected would turn into everyone with just a few scratched or bites in such a close gathering. I also feel like there needs to a laboratory somewhere in the map, or mentioned where they tried to research the virus, and obviously try to cure it, but to no avail. My 2¢. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katana67 2907 Posted April 15, 2014 (edited) I read through this whole timeline, and I felt it was pretty good, but with how powerful the infected are, I would have thought it would take less than a month for the whole country to be overrun. It seems like while riots were in such a large city, that the few infected would turn into everyone with just a few scratched or bites in such a close gathering. I also feel like there needs to a laboratory somewhere in the map, or mentioned where they tried to research the virus, and obviously try to cure it, but to no avail. My 2¢. With regards to the "laboratory", that's sort of where I wanted to go with Myshkino. Perhaps there'd be a clandestine bunker in the woods or something. But I wasn't sure if it should just be a novel naturally-occurring infection vice an accident. Wanted to leave that open for debate. With regard to the overall time spent, I wanted to convey a sense of a "spread" and "collapse" vice just a fixed point where it happens. Likewise, I wanted to have some beacons of hope (i.e. the report of the quarantines holding and later Russian/Georgian successes in the NE) to be dashed. But, the specifics of the timeline certainly are flexible. I felt a three-week timeline was plausible whilst allowing time for the myriad attempts to contain the infection to occur. Likewise, an element of 28 Days Later that I always liked were the stories told by Mark and Selena in the beginning, which detail the plight of the refugee and the "it started as riots" confusion. Edited April 15, 2014 by Katana67 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katana67 2907 Posted April 16, 2014 Thread got buried. Prease read! I'll love you forever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zarniwoop 1193 Posted April 16, 2014 A very nice timeline, with some nice details! ;) The game certainly needs some kind of backstory, that can be found through rare scraps of information or marks on the landscape as you say. This'll make the atmosphere so much more "real". 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 228 Posted April 16, 2014 Very nice indeed! A pleasant reading.Just 2 points you missed (I think).The crashed helicopter (Is it a Lynx?) north of Berezino.The plane crash in Cherno.Those are pretty big imho.But what /caused/ the infection? Water contamination? A virus? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tomo2000uk 33 Posted April 16, 2014 love the idea, it wouldn't require a massive amount of work to apply a back story with notes and diaries tapes etc. kind of like bio shock. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katana67 2907 Posted April 16, 2014 Very nice indeed! A pleasant reading.Just 2 points you missed (I think).The crashed helicopter (Is it a Lynx?) north of Berezino.The plane crash in Cherno.Those are pretty big imho.But what /caused/ the infection? Water contamination? A virus? I wasn't necessarily trying to explain the features of Chernarus (i.e. the plane crash). Although some of it did end up fitting in (i.e. the new hospital near Pavlovo/Zeleno). And some of it sort of inescapably made sense (i.e. FOBs at airfields). However, the only instance where I willingly attempted to explain something was the "unmoored ships in Svetlojarsk," which obviously hints at the shipwreck between it and Berezino. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dagwood 680 Posted April 16, 2014 As a dungeon master (*dusting shoulders*) I can appreciate the immersive power of a well-articulated background story. Because of dayz's roots an origins (spawn on coast with no idea what to do) I don't think any kind of intro video or "spoon-fed" backstory would be appropriate. Replacing some of these random philosophy books and stories with newspapers, letters to home, diaries, etc. would, like you said, give some much needed character to chernarus.This kind of community generated content is much needed. Beans to you, sir. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingbritain 63 Posted April 17, 2014 That was AWESOME! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katana67 2907 Posted April 21, 2014 That was AWESOME!Thanks! Green Mountain should play a major role in the outbreak. Possibly as a military scientific lab that would have been ground zero for the infection. I kind of like it just as a humble radio installation. Although I did leave that sort of open to interpretation in the timeline I put out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
over9000nukez 199 Posted May 2, 2014 There's been a lot of discussion lately, and for a while, as to when the events of DayZ take place. I've taken the liberty of compiling a rough fictional (and interpretive) timeline leading up to DayZ. I've attempted to fuse an ARMA timeline (note, this can be considered as a separate timeline from the vanilla Armaverse or ARMA III timeline), with elements of real-world circumstance, in conjunction with zombie apocalypse fiction, and finally I've included my own interpretation of quarantine procedure. As such, a heavy focus on the military (as an actor in the outbreak of infection) is apparent. This is largely due to it being a familiar medium to me. However, it is also due to the fact that the military is likely to play a heavy role in such an outbreak. This is a long list, and there is no TL;DR version. It is in bullet form however. If you read the entire chronology, you will have my undying respect. However, if not, please see my comments at the bottom. I'm sure there are flaws in this timeline, this isn't meant to adhere to any one particular given interpretation, but bear with me. Comment will be added in the following post. Moderators, I am not suggesting a given timeline. The objective of this thread will be to discuss the merits of establishing a coherent background to the infection. My second post will discuss the in-game benefits/consequences of said approach. Skip to the bottom if you wish to see my take on how this can effect the in-game experience. 2010NATO Peacekeeping Mission CFOR (Chernarus Force) establishedParticipating NATO militaries (25,000 troops)United StatesGermanyCzech RepublicUnited KingdomParticipating non-NATO militaries (10,000 troops)RussiaGeorgia2012CFOR troop strength reduced from 35,000 to 15,000NATO officials cite economic stability as a motivating factor in the easing of tensions within ChernarusJoint Intelligence Estimate, 2010Remnants of the ChDKZ still linger in Chernarus, operational capabilities have been reduced as to render the group largely ineffectiveNational Party guerilla activity has halted, reforms within the party suggest the group is attempting to build political support in Eastern ChernarusJSOTF-W (Joint Special Operations Task Force – West) intercepted a possible shipment of weapons to Chernarus from neighboring TakistanIt is assessed as likely that these weapons were destined for National Party guerillas, however no data supports said conclusion2013CFOR FOB (Forward Operating Base) Jasper at Lopatino closedCFOR officials re-allocate the resources of the FOB, previously used as a checkpoint for outbound cargo and personnel, to Camp Charlotte at Balota AirfieldThe closing of FOB Jasper hailed as a formal end to offensive counter-insurgency operations within CFORSubsequent Base Listings for CFORCamp Charlotte, Balota AirfieldUnited KingdomGermanyFOB Berkut, Krasnostav AirfieldRussiaGeorgiaFOB Ripper, International AirfieldUnited StatesCzech Republic2014April 16, 2014South Zagoria Independent, “Myshkino Murder – Local Fisherman Kills Five in Deadly Rampage”Local police engaged and neutralized the perpetrator after a 48-hour manhuntApril 25, 2014Cases of “rabies” reported in the cities of Zelenogorsk, Pustoshka, and VyborApril 29, 2014Cases of “rabies” reported in the cities of Stary Sobor and PolanaMedical facilities in Zelenogorsk (Pavlovo) and Vybor at capacityCFOR requested to provide interim medical care and securityApril 30, 2014CFOR establishes medical treatment facilities in Zelenogorsk and VyborWorld Health Organization (WHO) response teams arrive at Balota Airfield and International AirfieldApril 31, 2014South Zagoria Independent, “Outbreak in the West – Unknown Virus Wreaks Havoc in Zelenogorsk”Images of the packed Zelenogorsk Medical Center and subsequent CFOR medical facilities shown to most ChernarussiansArticle comments on possible massacres perpetrated by CFOR in the outskirts of Zelenogorsk, evidenced by the testimony of several residents who heard sustained gunfire near Green MountainOvernight protests begin in Chernogorsk, Elektrozavodsk, and Berezino in reference to “sensationalist” newspaper articleMay 1, 2014National Party spokesmen in Chernogorsk decry the reports of CFOR massacres as “evidence of foreign despotism”Riots break out in Chernogorsk and ElektrozavodskCFOR allocates forces from FOB Ripper to secure medical treatment facilities in Stary SoborThree cases of “rabies” reported in ChernogorskMay 2, 2014WHO response teams issue a report calling for the quarantining of Zelenogorsk, Vybor, Stary Sobor, Pustoshka and Polana.Chernarussian government restricts all non-essential inbound and outbound travel from South ZagoriaPolice overwhelmed in Chernogorsk, many officers are lynched by unknown assailants. Looting and riots spread throughout the city, hospitals left unsecuredNAPA guerillas engage CFOR troops near Kabanino, no casualties reportedMay 3, 2014CFOR appropriated by the United Nations, renamed United Nations Operation Chernarus (UNOCHER)State of Emergency declared by Chernarussian officialsUNOCHER forces move to quarantine Zelenogorsk, Vybor, Stary Sobor, Pustoshka, and PolanaRiots break out in each cityRoadblocks established on the main roads in and out of each cityUNOCHER allocates security forces from Camp Charlotte to Chernogorsk to quell the riotsMay 4, 2014UNOCHER quarantines appear to be effectiveClassified reports relay that UNOCHER forces “do not have a tangible presence” inside of the quarantined areasRoadblocks around the quarantined cities swell, massive traffic jams amass as WHO and UNOCHER regulators screen for infectionUNOCHER forces engage armed and unarmed rebels in Chernogorsk, casualties reportedGerman frigate in the Green Sea reports turning back several groups of civilian vessels requesting refugee statusMay 5, 2014Indiscriminate gunfire reported in the various cities across South Zagoria, not limited to Chernogorsk and ElektrozavodskWHO teams report to UNOCHER officials that they have ascertained a “patient zero scenario” in Myshkino, UNOCHER officials request clarificationChernarussian politicians make public broadcasts pleading for calm and restraintUNOCHER contingent of United States Marine Corps (USMC) and Army of Czech Republic (ACR) forces reported missing at 0245 local, near KabaninoMay 6, 2014Contact lost with WHO response teams in Myshkino, UNOCHER units sent to investigateUNOCHER Imagery locates the missing contingent of Marines and Czech peacekeepers somewhere near VyshnoyeMARSOC reconnaissance team discovers burnt trucks and APCs, bodies strewn over the road north of VyshnoyeBodies unable to be recovered, MARSOC team pushed back by reported NAPA guerillas, official report cites “a heavy presence of civilian collaborators”UNOCHER forces stationed at quarantine checkpoints report an inability to process the overwhelming amount of refugees, stories of atrocity continue to circulateWHO screening teams report “porous quarantine protocol, multiple unregulated breaches and civilians approaching from unsecured areas”May 7, 2014Martial law is declared, citing unrest incited by “terrorists and guerillas intent on disrupting UNOCHER operations.”Russian troops spotted at the borders of ChernarusTakistani troops spotted at the borders of ChernarusRiots flare in most major cities and towns in ChernarusUNOCHER forces in Chernogorsk engaged in heavy fighting throughout the day, Associated Press broadcasts images of “piles of corpses” lining the streets of ChernogorskUS Special Operations Forces (USSOF) are called in to extract VIPs and dignitaries from ChernogorskUNOCHER checkpoints established surrounding all major citiesQuarantine roadblocks overwhelmed in the cities of Zelenogorsk and PustoshkaContact lost with UNOCHER forces in ZelenogorskUNOCHER forces in Pustoshka fall back to Vybor citing “infected personnel” for the first time in official communiquesMay 8, 2014Rolling blackouts reported as intermittent throughout the day in all major citiesZelenogorsk reported by UNOCHER recon elements as “dead”Power outage becomes permanent in Zelenogorsk, broadcasting capability across South Zagoria becomes spotty with the loss of Green Mountain Radio Tower“Guerilla”, “refugee”, and “infected” engagements reported at all major UNOCHER installations in ChernarusCasualties reported on both sides, situation reported as “secure” by nightfallCivilians stopped at the borders by Takistani and Russian forcesPreviously untouched cities such as Svetlojarsk and Lopatino report “widespread riots”Chernarussian economy collapses, foreign investment grinds to a haltMay 9, 2014Due to spotty communication with the government, confusion takes hold of the populace. Many begin leaving the country.Massive traffic jams are reported leading out of all major citiesAdditional traffic jams reported outside of every airfield in ChernarusNaval cordons in the Green Sea become overwhelmed with unregistered civilian vessels seeking amnestyInternational press outlets broadcast live footage of UNOCHER engagements with civilians, titling them frequently as “massacres”Russian Spetsnaz forces spotted evacuating dignitaries and Russian nationals out of Chernogorsk, Elektrozavodsk, and BerezinoMay 10, 2014Chernarus (South Zagoria) declared a “disaster area” by international authoritiesThe words “outbreak” and “infected” used by international media outlets for the first timeThe UNOCHER forces at Stary Sobor report being overrun, only a handful appear at FOB Ripper in the afternoonUNOCHER Rapid Intelligence Assessment, Chernarus, 10 May 2014UNOCHER blockades in the Western portion of South Zagoria have been overrun. UNOCHER has no effective presence outside of FOB Ripper and Camp Charlotte in the Western half of South Zagoria.Russian sources confirm that they have secured the city of Svetlojarsk, but are unable to handle the influx of refugees at the airfield in KrasnostavThe interior of the region is controlled by small bands of guerillas or local militias. Travel is judged to be impractical, given the high likelihood of engagement.Many local law enforcement units report being confined to their stations. The majority of towns are no longer providing frequent reports.May 11, 2014UNOCHER forces at Camp Charlotte forced to evacuate to Kamenka, citing an overwhelming presence of rioters flowing out of ChernogorskUNOCHER forces report heavy casualties, retreat from Balota to Kamenka dubbed “the Bloody Gap”Elektrozavodsk reported as “dark” after the last helicopter departed Balota Airfield at 2130 localLarge-scale fires are reported by observers in Chernogorsk, the city deemed as “lost”The press largely divests itself of direct reporting in Chernarus, some journalists remain in the secure northern areasMay 12, 2014USSOF reconnaissance teams inserted into Myshkino to locate missing WHO and UNOCHER personnelOperational details are classified, USSOF returned to FOB Ripper at 0900 localThe Russian and Georgian contingents make marked headway in securing the northeastern towns of Olsha, Khelm, Gvozdno, and DubrovkaTraffic jam reported as stretching from Krasnostav to DubrovkaWidespread reports of atrocities follow the Russian and Georgian successesThe last Russian helicopter departs from Berezino, leaving the southern portion of Chernarus completely unsecured. Power is lost completely in South Zagoria.Panic and infection reported in the refugee encampments surrounding FOB Ripper, journalists report intermittent gunfire around the perimeter of the International Airfield throughout the nightMay 13, 2014Firefights are reported across FOB RipperSeveral military and civilian transport planes depart International Airfield, status unknownAir Zagoria flight 297 experiences catastrophic engine failure over southern Chernarus, radar signature lost somewhere near ChernogorskGerman UNOCHER contingent becomes encircled at Devil’s CastleRussian and Georgian mechanized units deploy from Gvozdno to relieve encircled German peacekeepersFirst reports of “independent civilian radio communications” in the interior of Chernarus surfaceSurvivors of Camp Charlotte lead a civilian exodus to the southwest regions of Chernarus, status unknownMay 14, 2014Contact lost with German UNOCHER forces at Devil’s CastleRussian and Georgian relief halted by crowds of infected and sporadic gunfire outside of Devil’s Castle. Communications lost shortly after initial contact.FOB Ripper overrunLarge crowds of civilians are left defenseless on the tarmac of the International AirportLast flight out of FOB Ripper recorded at 0845 localRussian and Georgian contingents left as the only UNOCHER forces in ChernarusRussian border crossings become overwhelmed, reports of atrocities surfaceMay 15, 2014Gas lines explode in Svetlojarsk, creating a panic which leaves scores dead in the previously secured cityRussian and Georgian contingents forced to retreat to FOB Berkut and Svetlojarsk respectivelyWHO produces report on the initial findings of their response teams, report is quickly suppressed and classifiedMay 16, 2014The United Nations announces that it will be withdrawing from quarantine operations in Chernarus to “look at alternative methods of containment”Russian Spetsnaz spotted evacuating civilian personnel from SvetlojarskRussian forces abandon Svetlojarsk, leaving behind many unmoored transport ships in the harborCivilian traffic surges at FOB Berkut, mile-long crowds of civilians spotted outside of KrasnostavMay 17, 2014Riots and infection spread amongst crowds at FOB BerkutFences and barriers are penetrated, civilians travel freely on the runwayCivilian casualties and injuries reportedIn a similar situation to UNOCHER’s departure at FOB Ripper, many civilians are left vulnerable on the runway when the last flight departs at 2311 localUNOCHER withdraws from ChernarusMay 18, 2014Contact lost with civilians in ChernarusSeveral UNOCHER units left stranded, contact lost shortly thereafterHow does this enhance our experience in DayZ? I thought DayZ was only here to tell our stories? Having a functional lore explains the current landscape of Chernarus, pure and simple. I would argue that it enhances the experience by allowing the player to discover aspects of the apocalypse previously unknown. For example, a player loots Elektrozavodsk, he/she finds an internal UNOCHER memo detailing the operations of extracting VIPs. Or, player loots Zelenogorsk, player finds a tattered WHO assessment of the quarantine. This applies to the very landscape of Chernarus as well, which should reflect the lore. Again, using the above as an example, roadblocks could be found encircling most cities. Or the remains of an ambushed convoy could be found by the player near Vyshnoye. The point with both landscape and lore-based reflection of a background, is that it's never all available to the player. He/she must piece together what happened. He/she may not even get 10% of the information of what happened, thus adding to the tension, confusion, and mystery that makes DayZ so powerful.wheres the ban on a pound of bananas in this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lelmat132 6 Posted November 19, 2014 Awesome! I actually think that this is a very likely scenario in the Chernarus lore. Honestly I'd like to see more military involvement in the region ingame, such as blown up convoys and checkpoints outside of major towns/cities. What about crashed fighter jets? Some sort of makeshift encampment in the woods, with a camo net and a few logs holding it up? IED blasts next to wrecked vehicles? Shot up checkpoints? Those are some things I'd actually like to see in game. If you were to come across, say, a shot up convoy, you'd think, "What happened here?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites