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A few questions/observations

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First off, really enjoying the game. "Dead is dead" makes you think twice before attempting some risky ploy...

My 1st try went pretty well. Gathered some decent loot and felt prepared to start exploring. WRONG! No bandages/rags. I bled out half way between Chernogorsk (I think) and somewhere else. Oh well, learning experience...

Next several tries I got beat down. Hard.

Currently, things are going pretty well.

Question for you folks: How is it that I can play just fine for several hours and suddenly FPS drops off radically? I have tried rebooting, I have tried lan .vs. wireless, it seems once it starts nothing helps until the next day.


Another question: Sometimes when I zoom (weapon raised/readied) with the rmb I get iron sights. Yet at other times I just get the "general" zoom. Am I doing something stupid or is it a bug/glitch?

Thanks for any help, folks.


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Would some kind mod please move this to the Day Z standalone forum way up there ^? Didn't realize where I was. Sorry.

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The scope issue seems to be a bug that has been mentioned before, hopefully it will be fixed soon. As for the FPS loss, I've no idea personally... I would have said rebooting and the other things you've already tried. If it were a memory leak or a temperature issue in your system the restarting would have helped that .... So I'm not sure. Sorry can't be more help.

Edited by Richard III in Leicester

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