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I seem to be stuck inside a rock

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Not sure if this is the right place to write this. I am a new player and i seemed to have become trapped in a rock, though i kinda like my new home, i feel my people skills will suffer as i don't seem to be able to respawn i have tried connecting to different servers and I still stay in my rocky home,

please help or will i become the next Aron Ralston

you are my only hope



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Ah yes,I also slipped awhile ago and fell into a hole in the rocks up near the new town North of the NEAF.There is not much you can do other than starve yourself to death ;)


I managed to stick a wad of paper into my W Key to get my character running in a corner thinking he would wear himself down quicker running,seemed to work only took a couple hours before he starved to death :lol:


Good luck

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i stucked, too, after i tried to suicied there. i got out there by going prone and spamming q and e and he went back slowly

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Run full pelt at the edge of the rock and mash whichever hot key you have your weapon set to. Normally forces you out of the texture.

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Iv had this problem also, but iv managed to get free, just tried all ways to get out of the rock, running, vaulting, prone rolling.  It helps if you remember what corner of the rock you walked in through, as thats usually the way back out

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happened to my friend today, i had to kill him.

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Oh my thank you!

I tried all of the above. I had to starve to death but on the bright side i have stories to tell to my new survivor friends if theywould just stop bludgeon and shooting me.

Such a great game

Love your friend for ever in the ether.


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Oh well, same thing happened to me today.

Yesterday I had to log out while in one of the sections of the cargo ship (i believe its called Rifys). Spawned in today and i was inside a rock below the shipwreck. I am new to the game and understand it is early acces alpha but i had a .357 Magnum, FNX45, SKS and even managed to find a Longhorn and it seems im going to have to lose everything ;_;

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Oh well, same thing happened to me today.

Yesterday I had to log out while in one of the sections of the cargo ship (i believe its called Rifys). Spawned in today and i was inside a rock below the shipwreck. I am new to the game and understand it is early acces alpha but i had a .357 Magnum, FNX45, SKS and even managed to find a Longhorn and it seems im going to have to lose everything ;_;


Top hoarding. I laugh at your situation, but only because you have 3 pistols. Did you learn how to shoot one using your foot? Super akimbo Gishnu needs 3 pistols..

Edited by zeeabo

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