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Aiming down sights

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Howdy, y'all,


     Question: Why is it what when I'm in first person with a gun raised and I hold down the right mouse button, I'm not seeing through the sights? Is there a separate button for aiming? Thank you!


Smorisson28 (or, RustyPancake)

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Press 0 on keypad (might be default binding) or double click right mouse button, also space bar to ready weapon.

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In this game, you dont actually ADS when HOLDING the right mouse-button, you just zoom-in.

In order to ADS you click the right-button once.

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Just press the right mouse button once.


On the mod you could aim down the sights and do a second zoom by holding the right button again, but it only works on snipers now like the mosin.

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The experimental currently has ironsight zoom, like the old Arma 2 (which is really nice), and I am sure that it is coming to stable with the next update.

As it is now, on stable, weapons just have a fixed zoom when aiming down sights.

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The experimental currently has ironsight zoom, like the old Arma 2 (which is really nice), and I am sure that it is coming to stable with the next update.

As it is now, on stable, weapons just have a fixed zoom when aiming down sights.


Holy shit really?  Best news ever!

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