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What is the speed of the player?

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I did the kessel run in under 2 parsecs....it's too fast I think. I had a full mountain backpack too at the time but I had to dump the contents when I ran across a zombie patrol.

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I hope we never see something like group spawning....its against the dayz ethos, and would instantly give a huge advantage to groups with no effort to gain that advantage :)


Absolutely the fact that some people actually want this frightens me as to where dayz will be heading.


I really hope they do not keep on catering to the casual gamers and make dayz more unforgiving more realistic.

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Welcome to surviving.  And in no way should should we be able to quickly meet up with friends.  That's the whole point to your adventure.  Just wait until fatigue and an updated hunger/thirst system come in.  It'll take you dayz until you find your friends assuming you don't get eaten by hungry wolves/bears or have a zombie munch on you because you attempted to run 80km without taking a break and fell over from exhaustion.


This sounds excellent, I truly hope you are right. The distance one can cover now by sprinting is massive and hunger/thirst/fatigue is second to neglible. I fully agree that it shouldn't be a quick thing to joing up, rather a struggle for survival.

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Huge map + current unrealistic running speed = bearable jogging simulator

Huge map + realistic walking speed = unbearable walking simulator


I would not like to walk for an hour to get 5 km.


However sprinting should be somehow controlled by stamina because it should be used in extreme situations.
Jogging should be kept, even though it is doubtlessly not very realistic. Gameplay is more important.

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Jumbaliah, on 12 Apr 2014 - 9:14 PM, said:

People like you are going to ruin my game. 


Cool, I have always wanted to meet the owner of DayZ. Can you please tell us your vision for the future of YOUR property?

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Guys, I know you want hyper realism, but some of us who perhaps don't play 6 hours a day and perhaps want a bit of fun (shock horror) would like some realism give way for enjoyment.

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