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My HFB Server has been down ALL DAY

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Like the title says, My HFB Server has been down ALL DAY. It is Atlanta 57. I don't know if other HFB server owners are having the same problem or not. I have tried getting in contact using their site, their TS and e-mails. So far no response. I would like to know whats going on. Any one else having these issues?

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I believe HFB said all slot servers in Atlanta were being moved to Seattle, but I'm not sure.

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  'urbanfox said:

I believe HFB said all slot servers in Atlanta were being moved to Seattle' date=' but I'm not sure.



Dallas servers are getting moved to Seattle/Atlanta.

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Even if they are moving some servers, why would that affect my server? Plus you think they would have at least sent out a mas e-mail to server admins. Right now and all day, my server has been like this:

Name: DayZ Zombie RPG - Atlanta 57 (v1.7.1.5) dayzmod.com - Hosted by HFB Servers

Connection Info:


Status: Unknown

Why can't I restart this? What is this "unknown" status?

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Same here. Server's being acting funny like this for the past two days, just randomly went down and I can't restart/stop.


DayZ Zombie RPG - Atlanta 44 (v1.7.1.5) dayzmod.com - Hosted by Killapoo

Connection Info:


Status: Unknown

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Id start looking for a new host. any host that does that is on its way down.

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Id start looking for a new host. any host that does that is on its way down.

Your funny.

There was a mass email, like 3 of them.

Not sure what's wrong with you server, mine is fine. Have you been locking it? Or lowering the max player limit? There were emails sent out saying that if you do either of those things you are going to receive the raw end of the stick. You should probably attempt to raise someone over live chat on the HFB website.

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I've been checking my emails all day. Haven't received anything from HFB.

You sure you have the right email address? Because I am definitely receiving them and I also run an Atlanta server.

What about the rest of my post? Have you done anything like that at all?

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same here, ive been checking all day. and ive only just bought my server like 2 days ago or some thing, haven't even messed around in the cp yet. the guys who set up my server set it exactly how i asked, so there was no need for me to go into the cp. i woke up and it was down, i figured it was maintenance. went out, came home and the server was still down. i don't know what else to do except wait for a reply. ive sent out e-mail, support tickets, and have been checking the ts. so far nothing :(

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I've received emails from them before. Doing it the good ol' fashioned way and waiting for a ticket response.

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I'm thinking maybe as a new customer they didn't have my e-mail in the mass e-mail list or some thing. I don't know why I wouldn't have gotten any.

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yeah their support is pretty poor. They bit off more than they could chew with the amount of new customers they took on. Join their TS:

and hope one of them is online (they havent been all day though...)

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yea, ive been on their almost all day too. no one ever showed up. I just hope they are busy fixing this.

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as I said, find a reliable host. these guys sound like amateurs.

oh lol its run by dayz devs. just like most of the other server "hosts" that advertise on these forums. that would be right.

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Hey guys,

We had two Atlanta boxes go down. They should be backup now. They had to be manually restarted in the data centre as we were never given access to fully control them.

We apologise for the delay, but posting in these forums will not solve your issues. You need to be aware that problems do arise with ArmA servers. I've been playing BIS games for over a decade, and their servers are not the most stable and require a lot of server power. So please be patient when they go down. We are alerted when they are and start ringing around to get them up ASAP. These are not COD or Counter-Strike servers. These are ArmA servers. They USE the servers power. You can happily run 10 BF2 servers on a dual core server box. You'll be lucky to run one ArmA server on it.

Please don't let me lose faith in the DayZ community. Patience is one key aspect of every BIS game, please acquire this fabulous trait. As everyone constantly keeps stating, but some of you seem to neglect, this is a Alpha game. It's still buggy and server dropouts are expected. So please be patient. Maybe go outside, have a walk, grab a beer with some mates. Patience. It's amazing.

Next time, please jump on our Support TS server; or lodge a support ticket.


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