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Bruce (DayZ)

Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

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Forget killing at random, I now base my interactions with other players on a few stipulations;

1) do they respond or react to a verbal communicator (in-game voip)

2)do they point their gun at you with your back turned to them

3) if you lay wire and I see you you're gonna get blown away.

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So my character has been alive for long enough. i had an extremely good kit and wasn't feeling the need to be alive any more and wanted to see what it was like spawning with nothing (for lack of a better term... i was getting bored). So i died and spawned in on the ocean. Remembering the days of when i was inexperienced and trying to survive. it restarted the fire per say. Luckily i spawned in electro not having to run a far distance to find some half way decent loot and start my adventurous journey around the map. i run to the first building i see which happens to be the fire house. i run in and see there is three different barbed wire objects in front of the opening to the stairwell. i try to hurdle over them at least seven times and i get no where. like they are too high. i say fuck it and head to the market same thing. walk across the street to the restaurant' date=' what do you know, same fucking thing. so i decide to hop to a different server and all the buildings were unenterable because of the barb wire. i havent been to electro or cherno in a while but i feel like the barbed wire in this game is being abused and i have yet to see it used in any tactical sense of this game... anyone else experience this when tryin to loot a town?


Its ABUSED and getting OUT OF HAND rediculous REMOVE barb wire this way is not any fun its ANNOYING those loser server hoppers are realy SAD PANDAS:(

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Idea of using wire fences to prevents players from passing through is bullshit. People could've easily jumped over them(at least it is possible in real life). Unfortunetaly, they took the advantage of Arma(cuz you cannot jump in Arma 2).

My ideas/fixes of using wire fence are:

- able to pass through for players/zombies

- while passing, players have (small chance) to bleed

zombies have chance to be in prone-mode after passing it

- more easy way to remove the wire fences(without aiming the metal poles, just as sandbags). Since poles can go through walls so you cant aim them.

- Increase the removal time for compensation

PS: Sandbags should be removable without toolbox.

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Honestly, I hate barbed wire as it's being used as is in the game as much as anyone else. But the only things that need to be fixed for it are:

1) the removal hit box

2) the need for a toolbox

3) for it to stay down on server resets

Barbed wire should be used to slow players down, and forcing them to stop and sit still as they remove it would be exactly as it should be used.

That said I don't want it removed from the game as barricading in a firehouse/other is a perfectly valid way of holing up. I think its just the server farmers that are making this annoying.

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Honestly' date=' I hate barbed wire as it's being used as is in the game as much as anyone else. But the only things that need to be fixed for it are:

1) the removal hit box

2) the need for a toolbox

3) for it to stay down on server resets

Barbed wire should be used to slow players down, and forcing them to stop and sit still as they remove it would be exactly as it should be used.

That said I don't want it removed from the game as barricading in a firehouse/other is a perfectly valid way of holing up. I think its just the server farmers that are making this annoying.


Or just drop a board over it and walk across.

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I don't really have a problem with barbed wire. Yes, it does get annoying, especially since people barricade themselves in buildings and then server hop. My solution would be for the wire to be removed once the player leaves the server.

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Rocket did say he was aware of the whole barbwire spamm going on, in a recent interview.

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Walking over barbed wire is extremely easy if you aren't in a rush, you can simply step where the coil meets the next coil and it makes a ~2 foot gap to pass through, I have done it dozens of times in the Marine Corps.

Also, we do not need wire cutters, toolkits allow you to remove the barbed wire. I think they should just increase the percent of toolkit spawns so people can find them more regularly.

I personally take down any inappropriately placed barbed wire I come across if I have the time to do so safely. I suggest that for all of you agreeing that this item is being abused that you do the same. If you have a toolkit and you are relatively safe, please take the time to remove the wire. Even a small amount of players doing this could potentially make a huge difference.

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There is a problem with that though cracker. When the server resets all the wire will respawn where it was before. So even if you purge the server of every last strand of wire, once the server resets that night to make all the loot spawn/helicopter crashes move/etc, it will cause all the wire to magically reappear where it was.

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I'm getting tired of tank traps and barbed wire blocking most of the loot spawns on certain servers. It's fine if you're building a base somewhere but not for this kind of exploiting.

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