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Wheaton's Law: Don't be a dick

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I pledge to obey Wheaton's Law. Doesn't mean I won't kill you, but I won't force you to crawl without a splint or abuse you verbally. Anyone else wanna take the pledge?


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The fuck? Is that really Wesley Crusher?? Makes me feel old!!

Edited by =FOX= Damocles
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The fuck? Is that really Wesley Crusher?? Makes me feel old!!


Yep, good old Ensign Crusher. Unlike a lot of actors who started their careers at a young age, Will Wheaton decided to be an awesome person.

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There's a lot of 14 year old twerps (one lives in my house) that could benefit from this vid...


Will is dead-on...when we grew up the kind of behavior that has now become not only commonplace, but expected in many cases, was nonexistent.  Of course, online gaming for me started with DOOM, a modem, and a buddy in another dorm room down the hall.

I pledge to obey Wheaton's Law. Doesn't mean I won't kill you, but I won't force you to crawl without a splint or abuse you verbally. Anyone else wanna take the pledge?




I don't need to take the pledge because I already have...good post OP.  

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The fuck? Is that really Wesley Crusher?? Makes me feel old!!

His mum Beverly would still get it though.

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There are times when being a dick is entirely relevant and appropriate, but the squeaker gamer generation has yet to learn that and sadly might never manage to. He referenced playing coin op in arcades, and man is that ever the truth... and that one-on-one interaction with other players, in person, is what the kids are lacking. Even at LAN parties, the shit talk is never so vile and abusive as it is online.


Nothing baffles me more than getting killed by someone, only to have them come to my body and start talking shit in direct, calling me a nigger and a faggot and how good my mom was last night. My mother is 72 years old ffs, if she was good that meant she probably didn't shit the bed in her sleep...


Fucking kids nowadays. Can't totally blame them, though, because it's faulty parenting to begin wit that allows and even encourages this behavior.

Edited by Real Meatshield
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I'd crusher


Hope you don't get crushed by all the beans you are no doubt going to be receiving... lol.

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I hated his character in The Next Generation, nice to see the guy himself turned out awesome though. :)

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Have any of you followed him on twitter? Try it, you won't for long.

His own law doesn't apply to him it would seem.

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