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Me and my buddy alens first time pvping in elecktro 19 kills total between us 2

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That was the last kill we got before we logged, Now I know why people love the long range scope. It's so amazing I got 3 700-750 m kills one a headshot all at the hospital  with another kill at 800+m. Totaling todays kills for me and alen at 10 Alen, 9 Me. Hopefully we can keep killing in these single lives, will keep updating with more screen shots as we go. We also killed a total of 4 other snipers camping in the hills.  I was also wearing a napsack with a payday mask on while doing this for giggles lol.  

Having a lot of fun =]

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Clap....clap....clap. Daaaamn must be so fun to camp with payday mask while warming your thumb in your asshole. Pls update us as soon as you can because we cant wait to hear more.....

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I snipe.


It isn't proper PvP, it's just griefing, it's fun, but it's still griefing.


PvP implies the other play is involved, Sniping is to PvP what a punching bag is to a boxer.

Edited by TheScruffyBandit
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Can you please join your buddies on COD or BF?

Try to have contact with people for a change instead of just shooting everyone on sight.

Really what you are doing isn't that hard.


What's up with all these Rambo wanabees starting threads just to stick a feather up their own arse?

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I snipe.


It isn't proper PvP, it's just griefing, it's fun, but it's still griefing.


PvP implies the other play is involved, Sniping is to PvP what a punching bag is to a boxer.


I'd call it PKing not griefing.  Griefing is the express intent to cause some one grief, and I'm talking beyond "boohoo you killed me and i lost my stuff :[" but harassing a guy to the point of making them upset irl.  Maybe if you're purposefully popping them in the leg and making them crawl though... but I'd still say it'd take more than that. 

Edited by Bororm

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Can you please join your buddies on COD or BF?

Try to have contact with people for a change instead of just shooting everyone on sight.

Really what you are doing isn't that hard.

What's up with all these Rambo wanabees starting threads just to stick a feather up their own arse?

Yea. You snipe while you are inside a tree and nobody can see you. Such skillzzzzz

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2 guys camping in a tree and sniping into electro, net very skilly. try going inside electro and mess with some clans there. face to face. then pls post video about killing 19 people

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I'd call it PKing not griefing.  Griefing is the express intent to cause some one grief, and I'm talking beyond "boohoo you killed me and i lost my stuff :[" but harassing a guy to the point of making them upset irl.  Maybe if you're purposefully popping them in the leg and making them crawl though... but I'd still say it'd take more than that. 

I'm not going to lie, I've shot people in the legs purposefully before.. however it was for tactical reasons.


I was near krutoy cap, waiting for a friend who'd died and respawned at the factory, he was running south along the coastal road and I spotted 4 armed players running towards him, I knew they'd spot him if I'd left them unmolested, so I waited till they'd past my hiding spot and put 3 mosin rounds (only had iron sights, I'm unsure if I hit any) towards them at around 250 meters, then ducked behind cover. Using their confusion to create a distraction long enough for my friend to slip past in the tree line. They hunted me for around 10 minutes, but I managed to evade them... or so I thought.


Then later in KamyshovoI had two people of the group of four moving across my line of sight (I'd sat on over watch, opposite the foot house on the hill while my friend looted) obviously unaware of my location and setting themselves up to ambush my unarmed friend when he came out of a building. I made sure my first round hit the guy bringing up the rear's leg, breaking it. I didn't kill him right away after that, I ducked back behind cover and flanked around 20 degrees, knowing his friend would attempt to defend his wounded comrade, I put two rounds into the uninjured player, then one into the wounded one who was attempting to crawl behind cover.


I then had my friend run out of his building, loot the bodies and we both retreated before the other two players could zero in on our location.


Not really griefing, but the tactic worked out pretty well.

Edited by TheScruffyBandit

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mwhuaaa :) 19 kills rly? OMG U ROCK SO HARD! plz more!11111!


holy crap... any tv stations notice this high skilled player style?!


every day the same KOS topics are lame.....



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The killing will start again soon =], Me and alen have logged on bringing our noob friend jon. Prepare thy buttcheeks elektro.

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People still go to Elektro.



It seems like it we got 10 kills on one server before we stopped seeing people

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It seems like it we got 10 kills on one server before we stopped seeing people



The lack of awareness is amazinggg

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