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Damage reduced? =DayZ Epoch=

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So - i've been experiencing some weird stuff on Epoch, weapon damage wise.

If you don't want to read my explanations for asking this - skip to the end. 


First was about a week ago. I was covering my buddies down at Balota and we knew another group was in the area, the same one that had followed us from Balota to a few hundered M inland in the dark.

Bent on revenge for the stalking, but with little in the way of firepower, (Exept for me) we were gearing up. I could see Zeds spawning at a large fort (The server had a completely new Balota with like 20 barracks and shit) about 500m from my group, who were looting a firestation. I stared down my M24 scope for a few minutes, trying to locate the guy, when i zoom out to see a Fully-geared, DMR toating guy 5 meters away watching the airfield.

I pull out my PKP and open fire.

My first burst hit him atleast twice - but soon after i heard him screaming, so i fired again - nope - 4 PKP shots to kill. I took the NVGs, DMR, $, Car keys, and ran.

Now today - we found a new server. I managed to find an M40A3 with a hoard of Ammo and headed to Komarovo to wait for my friend.

Overlooking the factory, i saw a guy parachuting in. I decided to do what i swore i never would - kill a fresh spawn for bandages. One shot and he's bleeding, secound and i think he's dead, untill my friend rolls up and checks his pulse. He's still alive. 

How da fuq? Two hits, M40A3...

My friend has to kill him because he is to low on blood to stay awake, and he then runs to the factory where he is gunned down my a G36 SD bandit. The bandit then runs into one of the sheds and starts to pick up a tire. Again - i hit him twice, and then the little bitch crawls in a corner and logs.

I waited 30min and he never came back.


But to the point - Is 7.62 damage nerfed on Epoch? It seems to be worse than 5.56 now, taking as much/more hits to kill.

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Afaik not only there...imo the round is too weak at maximum engagement distances of those weapon systems compared to it's RL counterpart...happened to me most of the time even with a SVD from a lot closer range back in my jumpy days in old vanilla ( the second shot should have dropped the guy but he was still running around bleeding all over the place ). Could have been a bandit with "armor effect" though, i remember shooting one of my team in the back because he didn't tell his position correctly and he stood up after going down after getting hit by the SVD. Got hit by a CZ550 the other day wearing camo clothing ( as a plain survivor ) from less than 25m, went down with 3k blood loss, crawled behind cover got hit in the leg from under the vehicle ( which broke it ) with minor damage. The CZ is weird anyway, weapon caliber and bullet caliber don't seem to match.

Edited by Enforcer

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