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Caboose187 (DayZ)

Good News from Vilayer!

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Hello <name deleted>,

I just wanted to give you a heads up that we now have an automatic script that runs through all of the server titles in our system checking for anyone breaking the DayZ Standalone hosting rules. This email is being sent to all customers so if you are not breaking any of the rules then do not worry, I would advise reading the message. This means that anyone with the following word list will have their server auto suspended and a ticket opened;
No Loot
Private Server
Do Not Join
If you find your server suspended please check your tickets and respond to the automatic reply letting us know that you will change your server name and we will then unsuspend your server for you. Please note that if we unsuspend your server and you do not change the name in 12 hours, the script will re-suspend your server and this will count as a second warning out of your three before it is auto terminated.

We are sorry to have to enforce this but it would seem that a large number of our customer base are abusing the rules which can be found here;

If you have any problems with the rules above then you need to take this up with the DayZ team over on the forums, if you have a problem with your service then please contact us via the ticket system as normal.

Best Regards,

Vilayer LTD


I am happy to see hosters cracking down

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Hello <name deleted>,

I just wanted to give you a heads up that we now have an automatic script that runs through all of the server titles in our system checking for anyone breaking the DayZ Standalone hosting rules. This email is being sent to all customers so if you are not breaking any of the rules then do not worry, I would advise reading the message. This means that anyone with the following word list will have their server auto suspended and a ticket opened;



No Loot

Private Server


Do Not Join

If you find your server suspended please check your tickets and respond to the automatic reply letting us know that you will change your server name and we will then unsuspend your server for you. Please note that if we unsuspend your server and you do not change the name in 12 hours, the script will re-suspend your server and this will count as a second warning out of your three before it is auto terminated.

We are sorry to have to enforce this but it would seem that a large number of our customer base are abusing the rules which can be found here;


If you have any problems with the rules above then you need to take this up with the DayZ team over on the forums, if you have a problem with your service then please contact us via the ticket system as normal.

Best Regards,

Vilayer LTD



I am happy to see hosters cracking down

Yes! ^-^ There my hosters too.

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Problem is that server owners can just change the name of their server and still keep up the practice of kicking players.

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I've always used vilayer, Went with AoWC for an Arma server, still haven't got it. Hopefully they follow through on their promise of suspending them.

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