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DayZ/ARMA Causing Framerate issues.

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As the subject states, it seems that after the patches and on the fps in-game has dropped dramatically. This however is not the largest problem my predicament presents. My main problem is that its seems that it is also affecting other games i play, and i know what you're thinking, "that doesn't make sense", but i assure you its the case.

I tested it by uninstalling Arma 2 completely and restarting my comp and everything is fine and im back to my normal fps, but when i re-install arma 2 and dayz i will get regular frames for around 16 hours. After the aforementioned time limit is up i will drop to around 10 fps in EVERYTHING. I do not know what else i can do and i would much rather avoid installing/uninstalling the game every 16 hours.

I have done all of the suggested performance tweaks for dayz and arma 2 that i have found through hours of searching and nothing seems to fix this. I really don't want to stop playing Dayz but if it Jeopardizes my ability to play other game i'm left with nearly no options. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here are my specs.

Windows 7 64 bit

AMD Anthalon II X4 3.2 ghz

GeForce GTX 560 TI

12GB Corsair RAM


Dayz/Arma 2 is making all my other games lose fps massively.

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After 16 hours is it not due to over heating? Affects of overheating will stop after a restart or the computer is under less strain, could be a cause.

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It has nothing to do with heat my card has stayed within acceptable temperature ranges the problem from what i can gather seems that arma is poorly optimized and for whatever reason only unistalling the game lets me play other game which most of them are much more resource consuming and i have no problems with them. So in short no it is not the temp that is causing this.

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I'm not sure if you've tried but keep an eye on your CPU whilst you're playing ARMA 2 and then again whilst playing other games. I'm not sure what this will achieve, but if you're adamant it's not your GPU then it's possibly your CPU.

I've noticed myself that ARMA 2 loves to stress out my CPU.

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I've been keeping an eye on it and it isnt overheating, regardless it should not be lagging all my other games after restarts and letting it sit for hours. The only thing that fixes it is a quick uninstall and a restart and i dont have any problems in other games.

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as you said, it doesn't make sense. have you tried restarting your computer during those 16 hours?

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It doesn't make sense.

At all.

It's not ARMA's or DayZ' fault.

Something is wrong with your PC and it needs fixing.

Try cleaning it, for example.

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unless arma 2 installation is installing some .net, visual c++ or something like hat that messes up your PC for some reason, and gets uninstalled after you delete arma 2, then you have a problem with your PC.

a game installation can in no way affect any other application on the PC.

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Have you tried defragging your hard drive with ARMA installed?

Also, apparently ARMA has an anti-piracy feature where your game will degrade in quality/playability after a while.

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ultimateburger, the game will not degrade in quality after a while if it's a legitimate purchase. The game will degrade if it has been pirated.

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I have tried restarting the pc after it starts to lag, and my version is through steam so it's legit. I have defrag'd and cleaned out my hard drive. I cant think of anything that could be wrong with my computer seeing as this is the ONLY time this has ever happened. I think it may be something that gets installed through steam that i have no way of preventing. I have heard it gets installed during the initial setup so i'm not sure. I clean my computer weekly btw.

In short, i think ganja might have hit the nail on the head, but there isnt much i can do about it seeing as steam doesnt let you fuck with the install.

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I'm having this same issue. I installed ArmA II and OA with Day Z, got on and had a bad framerate. Decided to play a different game (Amnesia:The Dark Descent) and was getting ~15 fps. Normally I get 30 to 60 fps in that game. I really hope this issue can be resolved as I would really like to play Day Z considering that I just dropped $30 for Combined Ops on Steam.

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I had this same problem an hour ago, but restarting my computer fixed it. (I am playing DayZ for at least a month now, and this happened only today)

This is what happened:

I was playing in a night server (BRA2) and all of a sudden my FPS dropped from 70 to 5~15, i thought "oh fps bug, let me restart the game and choose other server".

I noticed right away that the main menu was kinda laggy, and after i joined another server my fps was still around 10. Then I found this thread and decided to check Dota 2, and my fps was around 10 as well, and i normally have near 100. This all fixed after restarting my computer, but I still think there is something wrong with the newest ArmA 2 beta patch or DayZ...

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I seem to have the same FPS drop problem. BTW can somebody link me to the dayZ tweaking thread? Maybe it will solve my problems. TY in advance.

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Having similar problems. Been playing BF3 for a while with no framerate issues. I installed Arma 2/DayZ mod 2 days ago and now most of my games run at severely low FPS. Hell, even my Diablo 2 is acting funny.

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I havent been able to find any solutions elsewhere so im going to bump this.

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try closing as many processes you do not use and also try hitting task manager and running the arma2.exe priority on high, that works for my lil bro's computer and mine somewhat. i dont have problems playing any other games with fps issues just this one :( i fixed mine but dont remember how lol did alot of defraging and having certain processes running also try closing your six launcher after your game starts up that will help fps wise forsure i know that.

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shit i have noticed that fps issues seem to be with certain servers, thats forsure.. i was having horrbile problems until i reinstalled and did a couple other things way things are tweaked & upgraded RAM to 8GB and now it runs perfect, unless i go on certain servers, i donno lol shit sucks all i know. Try finding servers that run really good then star them and make them a regular place to play.

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I am currently seeing the same issue. Played 2 hours of ArmA 2 at very high just fine 60 fps. Then I shut it off for dinner, when I go back to try an play it after dinner 15 fps, change setting to low 15 fps. Try another server 15 fps. Restart computer 15 fps. Give up go play another game 15 fps. Restart the computer again, try running the other game 60 fps. Try to play ArmA 2 again 15 fps, try to play others games 15 fps. So now when ever I plat ArmA 2 it locks my computer to 15 fps until I restart.

I bought arma2 on steam. However I was still getting the "illegal copoes will downgrade chat message" and this bug feels like its part of the fuck up your game drm. Does any one know if their is something you have to do with steam to get arma2 to recognized that you have bought the game.

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