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Question about Damage

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How do players survive my mosin shots all the time but I die on first shot every time? I have vest and camo gear on and they have equal or lesser gear. Yes I also have full health.


Is there bugged gear that allows for more damage reduction? Or just better gear?

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Shot placement is a big thing. Shooting someone in the legs will break it at worst regardless of gear that they have but doubt it's a one-shot.


Chest without vest ontop is an KO/kill even with the blaze. Chest shot with an assault vest is generally heavy bleeding/KO I believe. Headshot without helm is dead with a mosin, though I hit someone in the head with an SKS from about 40m away and he was just knocked out :x

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Doesn't the sks and mosin KO on the first hit?


OP are you prone and still when ur getting shot? Are your targets static or moving?

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