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Am I also the victim of unstability?

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Hey guys


I bought the game last week, and was very eager to play with my new desktop.

But I found out that the game is nearly unplayable.

It seems that the game doesn't lag more or less when I change from lowest to highest settings.


My rig:

Asus M5A97 R2.0

AMD FX 4300 (3.8 ghz quad)

Gigabyte geforce gtx 650 OC (2 gig ddr5)

12 gig of ddr3 (1600mhz)

I've tried various fixes I found on youtube considering my cfg etc, none really helped, any other advice?


Thx in advance!


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im running a pretty similar system to you and only my internet speed holds me back, running DSL, without fiber optics in my area.


it could very well be some background programs running, or the 4 less cores vs my current build that you are dealing with, i honestly dont know what little fixes you could do, i just had to tweak my settings a bit for 60+ FPS in the wilderness, 75 is the highest ive gotten so far, 35-40 in cities usually

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You should get some good fps on that rig proly 50fps outside and 30fps in towns.

Have you tried the startup parameters? If not then go to https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters read a bit and put -nosplash -cpucount=4 exthreads=7 in your parameters either in Steam or in the exe depending on what installation you used. I buddy got some extra fps on his AMD older rig when he added the right parameters.

If it's still unplayable try another server. I tested one for said buddy and had around 15 fps less proly through a higher view distance and too many scripts slowing the server down...now imagine you only had 30fps max...i could go up to 3500m on the server i'm playing at - tested with the admin.

Edited by Enforcer

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It's quite a low spec system, so I wouldn't expect amazing performance. What kind of frame rates are you experiencing and what settings are you playing on?

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  On 4/7/2014 at 9:16 AM, Mos1ey said:

It's quite a low spec system, so I wouldn't expect amazing performance. What kind of frame rates are you experiencing and what settings are you playing on?


That buddy i mentioned has a 3 core AMD 3GHz processor and some 56xx? card and has at least 25-30 fps...that rig up there should get at least that much or the player is just too sensitive. Sometimes 40 fps in towns feels like 20 to me.

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  On 4/7/2014 at 9:25 AM, Enforcer said:

That buddy i mentioned has a 3 core AMD 3GHz processor and some 56xx? card and has at least 25-30 fps...that rig up there should get at least that much or the player is just too sensitive. Sometimes 40 fps in towns feels like 20 to me.


Yeah, that's why I asked about his current performance. Some people just expect too much from their systems, i.e. 60 FPS constant.


In RV engine games single core performance is much more important than multi-core, and the FX-4300 is quite weak (I have a friend that owns one. We managed to get DayZ mod running alright for him in the end though.). This is why i5s, and even the better i3s, wipe the floor with the high end AMD chips like the FX-8350 so badly in DayZ.

Edited by Mos1ey
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Atm I put everything on normal, but the weird thing is there is no increase of performance between max and lowest settings... I'm certainly not expecting a solid 60+ fps, but I don't think my pc should have any trouble running this game smoothly...


Edit: It's definitely not my internet connection, I've got one of the best packs in my country and get a DL of +- 80 Mbps and UL of +- 6 Mbps. 

I've been getting an average of 20-25 ping on the server I've been playing on.

Edited by Proksz

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  On 4/7/2014 at 9:52 AM, Proksz said:

Atm I put everything on normal, but the weird thing is there is no increase of performance between max and lowest settings... I'm certainly not expecting a solid 60+ fps, but I don't think my pc should have any trouble running this game smoothly...


Edit: It's definitely not my internet connection, I've got one of the best packs in my country and get a DL of +- 80 Mbps and UL of +- 6 Mbps. 

I've been getting an average of 20-25 ping on the server I've been playing on.


It's client hardware and server hardware ( server fps mainly ) that kills client performance even on a high end pc.

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Gotta leave for work now. I set up the startup parameters, gonna try this and another server when I get back tonight. 

Thanks for the help so far, hope it helps!

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  On 4/7/2014 at 10:01 AM, Enforcer said:

It's client hardware and server hardware ( server fps mainly ) that kills client performance even on a high end pc.


Yeah, this is true. A bad server's gonna equate to poor performance regardless of your system specs. It's definitely worth trying a few and then settling on one with a nice ping and decent performance.


I'd try dropping object detail, post-process effects and ambient occlusion to off or as low as they go and set shadows to off or high, on normal it's going to put load on your CPU instead of your graphics card. The rest don't have a huge effect on performance.

Edited by Mos1ey

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Object detail is normal, post process effects and ambient occlusion are very low and off. Shadows are on normal tho.

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I'm playing on E6600 2.8GHz, 4GB RAM, 550Ti 1GB


It starts to lag in Elektro, drops to 10-15 FPS. Cherno however is lag free for me but the aparments above the town... Max. 10 FPS. I've tried every option and I can play without complaining (I'm just staying away from the apartments above Cherno). Airfields and other towns are lag free (Some lags in Zeleno) So yeah I have a very slow PC for this game but it runs good ^^

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I wonder what pc specs to play the game will be? Any knowledge on that as of yet? I have an FX 8350 with a HD7850 and I get 23 Fps in towns!

Edited by FPSgonebad

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