Robert512 12 Posted June 26, 2012 DayZ: Now Over 1 Million Served!I can really understand reading this thread how and why this mod/game is so incredibly polarising amongst its players. I have discussed this with my mates at length as we have talked about the sense of what the game constitutes. I feel that those who see there as being a lack of content may miss the point. This mod eschews most conventional 'content' because it is dependent on the players constructing a narrative and game for themselves out of the world that is there (I do think a hell of a lot more guns/vehicles/loot and some ability to construct stuff and control areas/build proper bases would help though). The dark side of human nature (of the adolescent male variety predominantly) surfaces through a lack of constraint and so the bandits grief people. That's fair enough in a sense' date=' the narrative they've constructed is that they're out to kill everyone in sight, that's their goal. Me and my survivor mates are mainly out to survive, loot and shoot zombies, as well as any bandit who attacks us. We don't fire unless fired on, but I get the sense that we're in the minority. That's fair enough too, we've made our game and we're living it. Honestly while I hate the bandits so much (especially their pussy carebear disconnecting and whining on these forums any time someone suggests something that might make their lives less stupidly easy) I acknowledge that the game wouldn't be the same without them. They're the cunts I can shoot on an ethical freebie and enjoy it!To those who see zombies as being something that lures people into a game which is essentially PvP at its cores, well, its true in a sense. But the Comic and TV show 'Walking Dead' basically epitomise this theme as well. The overarching message from that interpretation of the zombie apocalypse is that ultimately if you know what you're doing, zombies are only a peripheral threat. The ultimate threat is what other human beings will do when removed from all societal constraint and this is something that DayZ in its own exaggerated fashion does embody beautifully.[/quote']Hear Hear! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
duddbudda 33 Posted June 26, 2012 lots of people are saying 5000000 PvE deaths is meaningless because of respawns: Rocket has said that the stats on exclude lives that last less than a few minutesI think I already mentioned that itt, but whatever Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weedmasta 784 Posted June 26, 2012 Oh My Godit's the apocalypse and things have gotten chaotic? whoa mang whoda thunk it?People would not do in real life what they do in the game. Not even close.You under estimate the potential of people doing anything to survive I think. You'd probably be one of the first one's to die :angel:Also lol at all the noobs saying "This game is finished if rocket doesn't fix pvp". You people crack me up really.Also, I'll be coming for your beans! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bo0G 7 Posted June 26, 2012 Crimson my boys killed you in a barn' date=' thanks for the L85 and Machine gun bro. Well take them back to our 20 tent vehicle fleet fortified haven.<3BTW heres the video of us killing you. [/quote']So many times after reading some whiney users post about how he got pk'd, or how pvp is broken, or whatever other QQ BS, have I just sat back and imagined filling that user with virtual lead.Thank you for this. It was, quite literally, a dream come true. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PintOfBass 0 Posted June 26, 2012 I swear to god people think they are playing this game with their mom and baby sister."O honey come over here there is a nice gun for you!""Thanks mom!""Mom some guy shot me for no reason when I went to the barracks! He was a dirty bandit!""O dear let us pray for his soul"I give two fucks if you are the nicest player in the game and believe in the baby jesus and are a complete pacifist, if you get near the building I want to loot I, like any other sensible player, will shot you, why? Because the stuff in that building is mine, it is not yours, I am a survivor and I do so by defending the things that keep me alive. You want to live? Well I want a GPS. These two things are in conflict and I will settle it.People think the game should be like this,"Hey you guys in the barracks, mind if I come in?""Sure absolutely, come on in and take what you want! Rainbows! Glitter! We all love each other!""Ah cool, WOW a SILENT M4 with three mags! You guys are the best! So do you guys like that movie HAPPY FEET it is SWEETER then this BAD ASS GUN!""Ya we were just talking about how much we love that movie! Glitter! Happy feet I say to you!"For the love of god please stop making posts about how much you die and solutions for your problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted June 26, 2012 You under estimate the potential of people doing anything to survive I think. You'd probably be one of the first one's to die :angel:I can't believe I have to explain this to someone...Where is your logic here? I think it is you who underestimates the potential of people. People band together for survival. Fucking duh. They've been doing it for thousands of years. Strength in numbers. How do you think you get a family' date=' a village, a state, or a nation?Human survival isn't about you and your problems, it's about living [i']to preserve the goddamned species.There would be murders, but not on the scale of 50% of living people. People wouldn't sit outside of a military camp and shoot live people for fun or because they were "bored". That's complete nonsense. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cootter 4 Posted June 27, 2012 This is really sad. For a game that Rocket clearly stated was 'not Pvp'. Some clever mechanics are going to have to be introduced thick and fast.It's a mod' date=' and it's PvE and PvP players can do what they want to survive.[/quote']" survive"RIGHT over your head, missed it by THAT much! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrimsonBlade 2 Posted June 27, 2012 Congratulations thar you got two guns that I found in a hour.... Do you want a medal??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joaby 25 Posted June 27, 2012 He found two guns and got you so raged that you're campaigning against pking on the forums. He deserves a medal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrimsonBlade 2 Posted June 27, 2012 Joaby.... this thread was posted before that happened... try again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheSexyGoat 5 Posted June 27, 2012 Include the fuckload of people that keeps killing themselves to spawn where they want in this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cherocha 4 Posted June 27, 2012 the awnser to this paranoidic fear-filled deathmatchWhy would we want an answer to it? The terrifying paranoia and tense standoffs are what for me and many others' date=' makes this game so damn great. If you want to sit around a campfire sharing beans and singing Kumbaya, that's cool, but in reality it's really not that hard to avoid bandits if you play smart, so if it is for you, urdoinitrong.[hr']Joaby.... this thread was posted before that happened... try againEven better!I just watched the vid. Although the weird maniacal laughs are a bit off-putting, it feels like justice was done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites