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How to convince a friend to get dayz

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If you want him to play you have two options....


1. Buy him the game yourself then lay on the guilt. That option isn't so good though because he will always feel as though he was forced to play. Your best option is number 2....



2. You have to find a way to sell it to him, do it through videos, screenshots and stories. Screenshots are probably the best way to sell dayz, as it looks awesome. Vids may show too much of the clunkyness and put some off.


Some quick sales tips....


Excitement, you always have to be enthusiastic about what you are trying to sell.


Sheep Factor, This is basically like saying "mrs robberts who lives on your street has already swapped energy provider to us" the person then thinks there astute friend cant be wrong, so they do the same. Do you have any shared steam friends who own dayz?


Fear of loss, This in most cases would refer to a limited time offer, in this case the alpha. Sell him on the fact its currently at a reduced price and now would be the time to buy in,

Edited by Karmaterror

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Guys I know my friend is a loser noob but I want ppl to play with so could you plz help with my problem instead of telling how much my friend sucks

There are 1.7+million players in DayZ. You can make friends. You may get handcuffed and force fed some sh*t first, but you will find like minded people....www.dayzsingles.com? = D But on a real note, "you can lead a horse..." blah blah blah, but the community here is large enough that you DON'T have to play alone.

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Ummm no.. he said he wants to get him to buy it remember.


I showed DayZ SA to my friend a few weeks ago.


This is how it went....


Check out this game man


So what do you do?

You run around and try to find loot

Then what?

Umm nothing,

This sucks

Well then your friend does not like playing early alpha's and i don't blame him. He obviously has no interest in the testing and development of the game so he should not buy the game at all. This game at it's current state is not for your friend, lying to him would be the only way to get him to buy it.

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I just encouraged a friend (who was a long time mod player) to put off his purchase as the alpha is still just too much of a mess to advertise IMO.


I wouldn't  recommend it right now - especially to a new player.

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He said noobs play this game



Btw he just said you all are stupid and have bad vocabulary


Yeah, from the sounds of it he's not the sort of player we want. Sounds like one of those kids who runs around yelling swear words at people.

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If he says noobs play this game when arma and dayz (based of arma) are one of the most realistic combat sims out there then he obviously has no clue what he is talking about and probably thinks battlefield is for pro's. I don't think the game is for him but i think the best way to get him to buy it would be to find an immersive youtube video (you find the right video) that shows off exactly how tense the game can be when getting fired at and when injured and see if he likes the look of it.

Frankie or Maniac are a good places to start, then use the Vector bunny Morgan freeman videos to bring him in.

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Ummm no.. he said he wants to get him to buy it remember.


I showed DayZ SA to my friend a few weeks ago.


This is how it went....


Check out this game man


So what do you do?

You run around and try to find loot

Then what?

Umm nothing,

This sucks


Pretty accurate tbh.


I don't see why anyone without a vested interest would see DayZ as anything other than a bit boring and rubbish at this stage in development

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