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Attached scopes missing

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For a few days I have a problem with my weapons: The attached scopes on my SKS and M4 are not shown, so when I right-click to zoom I only look over iron sights.


Is anyone else having this problem and knows how to solve it?

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I had the same problem a few days ago but it has sorted it self out...sorry i cant help further, i do remember swapping my sks for a mosin then later on finding another sks and attaching a scope and it worked fine...may be a bug :/

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So it's been about a week and all of the scoped in the game don't work. I've tried verifying files through steam, re-install, different guns/scopes, and hardcore/reg.  Here's a video of me showing the problem and the things I've tried to fix it...(i.e.- dropping weapon, removing attachment)



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I have this problem, but only with pristine scopes.

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I've tried the damaged and worn as well. i just lost hours of gameplay do to me getting outscoped. frustrating stuff.

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Another topic with a couple of people experiencing the same bug.




My buggy scope was a pristine PU scope, trying to attach to either an SKS or Mosin resulted in the lack of scope, the config still works, you just can't see it. First thing i tried was finding a worn version, it works for me, but the pristine still doesn't. 


Odd that your worn version doesn't work... or odd that mine does, off to check the bug tracker now to make sure it's been reported properly.

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Topics merged.

I have not had this problem but I will keep ears and eyes open for more info.

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Thank you thank you! I'm going to try some more troubleshooting tomorrow, will keep in touch.

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Im having this issue as well!


iv made a post about it too before i seen this one. But im having the EXACT same issue =(

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I'm having the same problem.


I tried to switch my worn PU Scope between an SKS and a Mosin. And I still cant see it when aiming down the sight. 


I gave the scope to a friend and he has no problem. 


Anyone got a solution?

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+1 .. same problem for me.. didnt find a workaround so far

Edited by xolom

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I had the same problem, found a workaround somewhere online.

You have to edit your gamesettings manual with a texteditor.


On Windows 8 the file is found at C:\Users\<Username>\Documents\DayZ\<Playername>.DayZProfile


Then look for the entry "TexQuality=3;" and replayce the 3 for a 4. Then it should look like "TexQuality=4;".

Now make the file write-protected and it should do the trick.


Remember that you can´t edit the settings ingame as long as the file is write-protected.

Sorry for my english, but its not my mothertounge :D



The Sausage :P

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