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Rozay (DayZ)

Suppressor's (RANT)

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I wonder if people realize that neither the stable nor the experimental build servers represent all of what the development team has done? There's a development branch server out at BI with a whole lot of things going, that just aren't ready to be pushed out yet. A server with things like working bows and crossbows, rag-doll physics, and likely simple vehicles and a load of other things still being tuned. Probably more tightly tuned zombies, some sound fixes, and the like as well.

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I wonder if people realize that neither the stable nor the experimental build servers represent all of what the development team has done? There's a development branch server out at BI with a whole lot of things going, that just aren't ready to be pushed out yet. A server with things like working bows and crossbows, rag-doll physics, and likely simple vehicles and a load of other things still being tuned. Probably more tightly tuned zombies, some sound fixes, and the like as well.

Calm down, you're going to shatter their feeble minds with talk of things beyond their comprehension.

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One person's 'priority' is another person's 'who gives a shit'. Far down the list of things to fix in game in this persons mind. I'm not going to say its alpha - but I am going to say this is why the community should get less info not more. The moment a timeline is established for something, there will be deafening whines of 'why that before this'. Frankly, I'll take it as they get it done, on their timetables, and am happy to be a tester pre-release.

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