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Edited by iG.Ryan

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Ah i remember my first time playing the Mod. I was so frightened to come into contact with anyone. When I got my first kill, i felt regret, but also happy. Me being my young noob self back then, the adrenaline rush in killing defenseless players or shooting them in the back of the head was thrilling.

Now after a couple years of playing the mod, I realized there is no fun in killing defenseless players or shooting them in the back of the head. Being a bandit is fine, but give them a chance to fight back.

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i have only played the standalone but even then, the few people that i have killed which have deserved the bullet to their head has made me wonder why they find it fun, i made a post earlier about two friendlies i met today, one decided to shoot the other while defenceless, so i popped him.


i think its all part of the game but its also a downfall.

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I think that being a bandit is a respectable approach, but only if you aren't killing on sight like a jerk. Hero play is definitely more challenging fare, but bandits aren't necessarily doing it wrong. It's a dog-eat-dog world, man. You choose your path.

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just had my first gunfight with a bandit (only got the mod couple of days ago), I think it lasted 50+ minutes, I won in the end but it was awesome, he seems like a nice guy as well; we agreed to only get each other when we are both logged on...lets see if he stays true to his word.


I've played as a bandit on SA, you just need to remember it's a game and they will get there shit back relatively quickly.

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