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Suggestion: DIG HOLES

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dig a hole with the entrenching tool, fill with loot, cover hole.


hole's contents will be destroyed after 48 hours, regardless if its owner is alive or dead.

holes can be found and dug up by other players.

holes can only be dug in forest and fields.

holes are visible by a flat dome model of dark earth. will "operate" in the world like fireplaces.

can hold one primary gun, or 5 slots of "general," and no bags.


usage: for players that want to store their eggs in multiple "baskets." current tent mechanics make theme easy to find, and very high-risk to use.

an entrenching tool is a bit more rare to find than a tent, but when you do, you can make "unlimited" loot spots on the map. this will also open up the map for more areas to store loot. as is, the map feels "small" in regards to where you can place tents.

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So long as everyone understands that 'actual' physical holes cannot be dug in this engine, but the object idea is cool.

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I totally endorse the hole!

Having a mechanic to store loot underground would be great. As the first respondent pointed out though the Arma2 engine doesn't permit terrain deformation so it would have to be a model that sat ontop of the ground and acted as a crate/backpack. Either way though, good idea...

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Fine, but I don't think the hole it self should be a container. Dig a hole, put a tent. They're not hard to find, and that would be more interesting, because a single entrenching tool can provide you with endless number of safe hidey holes. That's no good, we need more hardcore :)

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i was thinking about the "power" of the hole lastnight.

the big problem seems to be in retention between deaths, as you could feasibly store anything with impunity, and pick it back up after respawning.

i'd suggest that contents of holes "die" upon a player death. that way holes only get used to store food/ammo/beans/secondary guns, instead of stuff like maps/nvg's/matches/uberweapons.

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