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continue to walk forward while switching items

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while walking, i will pull out an item to use and even if i let up on the forward button(w) my character will continue to walk forward. this has resulted in me falling off a few roofs and breaking a leg or outright death. i have learned to stop moving when selecting an item. ive even had my character start walking forward as i selected an item while walking backwards!

there is also the bug that stops you completely while moving forward when you try to put something away.

so id say 2 moving bugs associated with inventory use.


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yep same problem here let got of W key and carry on taking a few steps got me killed last nite on top of a fire station roof, :(  :(  :(

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well that's a con, but a big pro for me is you can run up stairs this way which you have to walk up slowly normaly. but psssht pro-tip ;-)


edit: also works with compass and other stuff

Edited by sm00tje

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i guess for areas with working railings and no danger of falling off this is a good thing.

ill just stick to not pulling items out when near a ledge.


well that's a con, but a big pro for me is you can run up stairs this way which you have to walk up slowly normaly. but psssht pro-tip ;-)


edit: also works with compass and other stuff

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