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More pain effects/consequences ?

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First of all sorry if i missed another similar topic, i used the search fonction but didnt found anything.


I was thinking that pain in dayz is not reflected enough on the gameplay, on how your character behave. In the mod, for example (i'm aware of the limits and difficulties adding complex effects in the mod) the only backdraw to having been hurt is that your character moaned a little and held his weapons less steadily. I didnt find anything more in the SA.


So why not adding new pain effects to the characters ? Not just the shock and uncounsciousness already present in game, but more advanced mechanics.

For example, you have been stabbed several times in the stomach. Even if you bandaged yourself and are not bleeding anymore, sometimes your character would slow down and hold his stomach in pain.

Another example : You have been hit in the leg by a bullet, but fortunately it didnt broke your bone. Your character would still be limping around.


And i've been thinking of another mechanic, something like a pain threshold. If you receive a more severe wound, your character could be incapacitated for a few seconds.

Example (i like examples :) ) you receive a bullet in the back. Your character falls the the ground, tries to reach the wound in a spasmodic way while coughing in pain before being able to get up and start running (if it's possible) again.


What do you think ?



Oh and sorry for my possibly bad grammar and spelling, i'm not a native english speaker (and it's also late in the evening and i'm tired :P)

Edited by Snivel
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I'd love it if a wound actually slows your character down. Gunshot? Bandage! Run around after bandaging causes the wound to open up and cause blood loss maybe more severe than the initial wound. Everybody knows if you bruise your leg badly or sprain your ankle IRL you can't just inject painkillers and keep running as if nothing happened, yes it's a game but you all know where i'm coming from. Although a lot of time seems to have been spent on sickness and nutrition wound dynamics is in the stone ages.

Edited by Enforcer
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What if characters screamed in pain at first rather than the "uh-ow", attracting zombies from a long distance, and giving away your position?

I always laughed at that part of Cold War Crisis & ARMA. *gets shot & crippled* "ah shit that hurts.."

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