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Red Orchestra 2 altfire/weapon function key (melee/alt fire/optic switch)

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rocket has stated how their team utilizes great ideas from other games and this is one that they should utilize. they've packed a lot of functionality into these two keys

between the two keys you can:

switch between single fire and full auto

scope and irons

weapon melee

under/overhand grenade toss

not to mention the vehicle uses



 also, bipods (in RO2) are context sensitive(auto deploy).


this would:

streamline a LOT of weapon functionality

create a system that could implement the BUIS

layout a system that can implement weapon melee


the whole system is context sensitive which is how they pack in so much into a couple keys

a 2 key weapon function system could be implement in multiple ways, but in all ways it would streamline functionality to rely less on the GUI/backpack system


please comment your approval and discuss! :)

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I fully agree with your suggestions. Long ago, I posted something similar about adopting RO2's iron sight/optics switch. Anything that can streamline the interface and avoid opening the backpack inventory screen should be aggressively added to the alpha.

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Anything that involves RO2 needs to be implemented in DayZ, the game is just that good.

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Hello there


As some of you know, ive been involved in some small dev aspects of the DLC for RO2 and although Ro2 has a special place in my heart, on the whole i didnt like that one key would have multiple uses.


I much prefer it now that you *can* have multiple use keys as as well as individually bind them.


Multi key use in DAYZ is possible, its getting the context right which is problematic at the moment.





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Arma had BUIS.

And the Semi/full in RO sucks unless i'm doing it wrong. I mean, middle mouse button..

BTW, you can already switch firemodes with "T"

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