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Possible Glitch with Winchester 1866 + Crosbow

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recently ran into the Winchester and crossbow in the one location just starting out was like ok ill pick both use x bow for silence till i get some gear and proceed to pick it up

now when i went to put the Winchester into my backpack it disappeared form the ground but did not go into my bag....ok maybe it was a bug and wasn't actually there out of item look up there it is now on the other side of the barn go to pick it up this time while looting it drop the x bow and pick up Winchester in primary go to put the Xbox into bag and it vanishes

just thought id bring it up and see if any one else ran into this problem?

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Sometimes the game will let you attempt to put things into your bag when you do not have enough spaces for it and then just delete the item.

There were obviously two winchesters in that barn.

Primary weapons require 10 slots, the Patrol pack only has 8 slots.

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you cannot fit primary guns into your starting backpack they just dissapear, thats the actual bug.

me and my friends found heaps of bugs:

items consumed in vehicles do not get used up properly

combining ammunition re-sets its count so you can have infinite clips

ect ect ect.

tis alpha. this kind of thing goes in the bug report section anyhow.

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Yeah, I really wish this bug would get fixed. I tend to take anywhere between three to five minutes just to simply switch out between weapons on the ground, because I don't want to accidentally delete an M107 (again) or an FN FAL with NV (again) simply because I was in a hurry.

But hey, Alpha is Alpha.

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sorry didnt notice a bug section plz move to bug sorry,

and either i was lucky or there was 3 winchesters in the barn as well as a xbow one where i first got it 2nd in mid 3rd in the spot where i lost the Xbow...and here i was thinking it was 8 slots...

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Primary weapons take up 10 backpack slots. Secondary weapons take up 5.

The coyote patrol pack has 8 slots, and thus does not fit a primary weapon.

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