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Vehicle and tent acess

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Yesterday, I stumbled across a camp in the forest, with cars and a shitload of tents. Most likely, the owners wheren't online.

Me and my friend took what we needed and one car, and left. After that, I've felt really, really bad about it. I don't know, maybe these guys have stolen the cars and the stuff themselves, but nontheless, most likely they have worked hard to obtain all that. Just to loose it when they where off line.

I feel this must be adressed. It's ok that you can be robbed when you are online. It's ok that other players might acess your stuff when you are online, becouse then you at least have the option to actually guard your stuff. When your offline, you can't. There is simply no way of safe guarding stuff as long as you are off line. When you are online, you have a choice. Same goes with tents.

It would be great if tents and cars could have shared ownership within groups. Somehow you could add player ID's to a tent, so that your group could acess it, even if not all members where online. As long as one player of the group was online, public acess to the tent or car would be possible. Even having them not show up on the map when your offline could be an idea. I don't know.

Being robbed when you are online is your own god damned fault for not taking care of guarding it. The only secure way today, is to have guys working shift, being online 24/7. Practicaly impossible.

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Yesterday' date=' I stumbled across a camp in the forest, with cars and a shitload of tents. Most likely, the owners wheren't online.

Me and my friend took what we needed and one car, and left. After that, I've felt really, really bad about it. I don't know, maybe these guys have stolen the cars and the stuff themselves, but nontheless, most likely they have worked hard to obtain all that. Just to loose it when they where off line.

I feel this must be adressed. It's ok that you can be robbed when you are online. It's ok that other players might acess your stuff when you are online, becouse then you at least have the option to actually guard your stuff. When your offline, you can't. There is simply no way of safe guarding stuff as long as you are off line. When you are online, you have a choice. Same goes with tents.

It would be great if tents and cars could have shared ownership within groups. Somehow you could add player ID's to a tent, so that your group could acess it, even if not all members where online. As long as one player of the group was online, public acess to the tent or car would be possible. Even having them not show up on the map when your offline could be an idea. I don't know.

Being robbed when you are online is your own god damned fault for not taking care of guarding it. The only secure way today, is to have guys working shift, being online 24/7. Practicaly impossible.

[/quote']That's how it works. I've taken cars and gear from camps, and it's happened to us in Legion as well, it's all apart of the game, and what makes it fun, in my opinion. The best part is trying to find a safe spot to store the vehicles and what not, while making it accessible, but hidden.

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Why do you think this would be a good idea?

You'd start playing the game a few months down the line, and a sever would be filled with Cars, Helicopters and bases filled with the best loot. Next thing you'll ask for is not loosing your guns when you die.

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I found a helicopter in working condition and nearly a full tank of gas last night. I wish I remembered where I got it from so I could return it, maybe put it in a better hiding spot for them. It was idiotically parked right next to some random village I had just finished looting. Regardless, I still feel like a jerk.

Even if I didn't have any moral qualms about it, helicopters just aren't a very attractive form of transportation. It has limited ammo in the side-mounted machine guns, so its use as a roving bandit gunship dealing death from above is limited. General server instability combined with having every player gunning for you (I'd definitely shoot at an airborne helicopter if I saw one, even if it was Mr. Rogers' reanimated corpse piloting it) makes the advantage of getting from point A to point B really fast almost negligible.

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I would never ask for weapon respawn. I'm simply asking for a way to safe guard what I've obtained in the game.

And again, I am not asking for it to be impossible to steal stuff. Even if the whole group stayed and guarded the camp all day, it could be over run. As I said, I want stealing to be unavailable while off line. As long as you are online, scavanging a town somewhere, people could robb you down to your last makarov mag. That would be your own damned fault for not guarding it.

Now, there is no way of guarding your possesions when your off line. I find that a bit unrealistic.

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There should be risks to stockpiling goods.

There still would be risks. High risks. Just not when you are offline.

In other words, you should be able to account for risks. There should be a way of planning against them, or defend against them. Now there is none, except hiding, and that will eventually be found.

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I dont support this. Just found a bus with two friends today, we had two run-ins with bandits, one whilst repairing the thing and the other whilst getting it out - we JUST managed to keep a hold of it.

Its currently parked in a remote wood until we are on tomorrow, if its gone its gone - i mean everythings buggy as hell anyway, in real life you cant "save" your things, especially if its post apocalyptic, hide it well and it shouldnt be found. The map is MASSIVE.

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If you want to keep your stuff while offline, keep it on you.

If your tent or vehicle is found, then hide it better next time. If I'm lucky enough to find a tent or vehicle, I don't want to be blocked by the game, I want to loot it.

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There should be risks to stockpiling goods.

There still would be risks. High risks. Just not when you are offline.

In other words' date=' you should be able to account for risks. There should be a way of planning against them, or defend against them. Now there is none, except hiding, and that will eventually be found.


I don't think the game really lends itself to that level of permanence. Yes, you can build a "camp," it can be accomplished, but like everything else in the mod it's the human factor that remains the wild card.

The only change I'd kind of but not really support would be the inclusion of keys for vehicles. Have them spawn at the same time as the car in the closest building or something. Desperately searching for keys is a staple of zombie movies... though that's kind of a moot point when you consider the amount of legwork required to get a vehicle going -- I don't think any of them are "hop in and go," are they?

A "hot wire kit" or something would have to be thrown in to keep things interesting.

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I would never ask for weapon respawn. I'm simply asking for a way to safe guard what I've obtained in the game.

And again' date=' I am not asking for it to be impossible to steal stuff. Even if the whole group stayed and guarded the camp all day, it could be over run. As I said, I want stealing to be unavailable while off line. As long as you are online, scavanging a town somewhere, people could robb you down to your last makarov mag. That would be your own damned fault for not guarding it.

Now, there is no way of guarding your possesions when your off line. I find that a bit unrealistic.


stay online and never leave your stash. Problem solved

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I dont support this. Just found a bus with two friends today' date=' we had two run-ins with bandits, one whilst repairing the thing and the other whilst getting it out - we JUST managed to keep a hold of it.

Its currently parked in a remote wood until we are on tomorrow, if its gone its gone - i mean everythings buggy as hell anyway, in real life you cant "save" your things, especially if its post apocalyptic, hide it well and it shouldnt be found. The map is MASSIVE.


Think about that for one second. In real life, living in a group, you wouldn't leave the stuff unguarded. If you did, it would be your own damned fault. Valuable assets would allways be guarded in real life, 24/7. This seems like a decent compensation for that exact fact.

As I said, it is more than possible to loot other people still. Either by attacking the camp, or, if unguarded, just robb it plain and simple.

Another option would be to include mines or some kind of traps.

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I dont support this. Just found a bus with two friends today' date=' we had two run-ins with bandits, one whilst repairing the thing and the other whilst getting it out - we JUST managed to keep a hold of it.

Its currently parked in a remote wood until we are on tomorrow, if its gone its gone - i mean everythings buggy as hell anyway, in real life you cant "save" your things, especially if its post apocalyptic, hide it well and it shouldnt be found. The map is MASSIVE.


Think about that for one second. In real life, living in a group, you wouldn't leave the stuff unguarded. If you did, it would be your own damned fault. Valuable assets would allways be guarded in real life, 24/7. This seems like a decent compensation for that exact fact.

As I said, it is more than possible to loot other people still. Either by attacking the camp, or, if unguarded, just robb it plain and simple.

Another option would be to include mines or some kind of traps.

In real life, you leave your house every day to get to work.

So when someone inevitably steals your shit, it is your fault for going to work instead of staying at home.

You do see the glaring flaw in your logic right?

At any rate, IMO there should be some kind of safe keeping for tent and the likes.

I don't think completely locking them as soon as you log off it the solution though, since then people could just alt+f4 if they saw someone close in on their tent.

Having tents with a "lockout" and follow period might be a possible solution.

By this I'm thinking something along the lines of: Player logs out - tent is now free for the taking as it is now, but with a time limit. For instance 4 hours. After the 4 hours the tent will appear as empty for other players, or even completely vanished.

On a completely different note, having the tent follow the player when they change servers would be a very nice feature.

Staying on the same server right now is becoming harder and harder for every day that passes - but this is something entirely different.

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Because if you leave your bicycle out in the streets, when you go to bed IRL, you never know, it could get stolen.

How unfair.

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Bless your little heart. :P I stumbled upon a well hidden tent the other day and felt a bit guilty after taking an assault rifle and bloodpacks, especially after I found an assault rifle merely 15 minutes later. Not an ounce of guilt for the car I stole the day after though, isn't that odd?

Didn't Rocket mention plans to provide a very limited bunker storage which can't be robbed? I think that's a nice compromise if done right.

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I really like the idea of locking cars (very easy to do with the game engine) and having a hotwire kits.

I think persistent backpacks are the way forward. Very easy to hide away and takes nothing away from the gameplay. Might stress out the database a bit though :)

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I don't care about stealing from tents. That makes sense.

But you're telling me it's perfectly okay for people to steal vehicles whenever the fuck they want? I think there's a problem here. Apparently the survivors in Dayz are too retarded to take their keys out of the ignition when they decide to disappear for awhile.

Put this stuff to user error. Give players the choice to exit the vehicle, and when they exit it they can also take out the keys to stop others from driving the vehicle, or leave them in it. People who come across the vehicle either have to have something like a hotwire kit (posted above) that should take awhile to set up and use to get in the vehicle (without keys), OR they can just leave it be OR blow it up however they see fit. There's even more options too, such as waiting for the group to return to kill the guy for the keys.

Not giving players any protection from theft like that is silly, especially when it doesn't make that much sense. Yeah, you can hide it. But if someone finds the vehicle, they shouldn't get a free pass to take it "just because"; if the player who owns it was smart enough to take some precautions, then they should get some extra benefit, especially for something as hard to acquire as that.

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stop trying to "build" something in Dayz. The tears will flow if it gets taken :P point is to survive not to build a new civilization.

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I like the way it is. If people could have some kind of lock on their stuff while offline the world would be cluttered.

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Living up to you name there Chimp. Flinging your own shit around with no discernible purpose or positive outcome.

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