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youngbuck (DayZ)

Trouble with Server-Admins who doesn't follow the rules

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Hi guys, like the topic says, I found some noob server admins who kick instant or never follow the dev-rules.

It's kind of annoying joining a server and gettin' kicked after a few seconds ... so my question, where can I report this servers?

for example:




there should be a possibility to report these servers or even stop them ... I mean they pay for it ... but really? 

Edited by youngbuck

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there should be a possibility to report these servers or even stop them ... I mean they pay for it ... but really? 

You can. This is how it works:


If you encounter an abusive admin or server, please do not post it here on the forums. We cannot do anything with these reports. It is not productive and does not expedite action taken against these servers. Please report them to the GSPs directly following the pinned Guidelines.  


Standalone Server Hosting Rules:



Edited by kichilron

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Thank you bro! :) sorry for posting it here then!

I was kind of raging about that kids hosting a server.



Not a problem. Usually you can actually achieve something with it if they're clearly breaking the rules.

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I just wrote an e-mail to Multiplay server provider with my screenshot and the explanation, hope they will take this server down soon.

Just asking myself why people rent a server if they know that they need to follow some rules ... in my opinion they should stop playing dayz if they are scared of meeting other people Oo

Actually makes no sense and is toxic for community.

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Hello gents. Multiplay community manager here :)


I'm not sure where/how this server was reported but I couldn't find any reports anywhere. If there are reports for Multiplay servers in future please make sure they're sent to http://support.multiplay.co.uk

Based on this thread the process for this server owner has begun, he has a received a stern warning and will be monitored for future abuse. Further future offences can and will result in loss of services.


If there are any further problems please let me know!

Edited by Skitrel

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